Part 24 Merry Christmas!

Start from the beginning

"Welcome" mom and dad said in unison.
"Ok now open up y'all presents" they said I chuckled and grabbed the first one I saw and it was mine. I opened the little box and saw something I have wanted since it came out.
Am iPhone 6 Plus but instead of gold it was pink.
I still loved it though pink was my second chose.

"I love it thanks...." I looked back at the box and it read: from mom.
"Mom" I said hugging her.

Brianna picked up her box and opened it, it was a iPhone 6 Plus silver.
"Thanks mom" she said hugging mom. She is really bi-polar.
"Welcome" she said.
We both sat down and started opening all the presents.

Looks like I got perfume, a new motor scooter, Jewelry, shoes, clothes, gift cards and food! I walked over to Alex and intertwined our fingers.
Alex said he want to take me somewhere so now we are in his car. Driving to where? I don't know.

End of flash back

Alex stopped at a gas station and got out the car. He walked to my side and grabbed a blindfold out of his pocket. He opened my door and put the blindfold on my head.
I giggled and followed thru.

He got in his side again and started to drive.
I felt a hand go into my hand and it sent a shiver down my spine. I heard him chuckle at the effect he still has on me. I mean who could get tired of that.

"So where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see" he said I felt us come to a stop.
I heard his door close and I heard mine open.
I was pulled out of the car and I almost fell but Alex grabbed me by the waist.
"You are very crazy but you are mine" Alex said I finally standed up and Alex took me somewhere.
"Every thing you do you always make me cover my eyes." I said.
"It's a tradition" he said and then there was a comfortable silence.

I heard a door opening and I was hit with cold air. He took the blindfold off and I saw a tiny restaurant with one table and two chairs.

"What's this?" I asked.
"Well I have a cousin and he let me use the place for today" Alex said like it was no biggy.
"So what are we doing here you feed me like 3 hours ago" I asked.
"You will see" he said grinning from ear to ear.
I groaned and sat down.

"We are not going to eat till later and it like 3:00 so.... Yeah" he said.
"You woke me up at 12 in the afternoon!" I screamed at him and he laughed at me he seriously laughed at me.
I can't believe he woke me up this early on a Christmas afternoon! How could he! I feel so betrayed!
On the day we have off!

Ugh who does that!
"You're mean" I said.
"I know I try" Alex said laughing again but I guess I'm so funny.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a room.

He opened the door and I saw and ice skating rink.
"Alex what is this place called" I remember there is a restrauant called Isaacs ice and food place.
"Isaacs ice and food place" I slapped him on the chest and he rolled his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me that you're cousin is the 'Isaac Balrock'" I screamed.

"Well I thought you would know I mean he does have my last name" Alex said.
"It could've been a coidenceidence and don't get smart with me!" I screamed at him.

"Well don't get dumb with me!" Alex screamed back I breathed in and back out.
We are fighting over the stupidest thing and I don't even know if this is a fight.
"Merry Christmas" I said digging in my purse for his present.
I finally found it and took it out.
"Omg you got me a present" he said grabbing he box and opening it.
"OMG ITS A V.I.P TICKET TO SEE ROMAN REIGNS IN ACTION AND TO MEET HIM, I LOVE YOU LEXI" Alex screamed giving me a hug and a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek.

"Wait that's not it the rest is at my house" I said wiping the saliva off my cheek.
"Ok but let's skate and then eat and then I'll give you you're present." He said.
"Deal" was all I said and then he grabbed my hand and led me to where the Ice skates are.

I finally found my size after 10 minutes of looking.
I put them on and we both went out to the ice skating rink.
I'm awesome at ice skating I can do tricks and all that shitz.

He grabbed my hand and we skated around.

3 hours later

Here we are eating chicken with macaroni and cheese and a little bit of French fries..... Ok a lot of French fries.

"Ok so what's up with your sister she seemed a little out of there this morning" he asked me.
"I don't know but I'll find out sooner or later I'm just not going to push it" I said he nodded and picked up mine and his plate, putting it in the dish washer.

"Let's go home and you can give me you're presents there" I said.
"Alright I can't wait" he said grabbing my hand and locking the doors behind him.
We both walked to the car hand in hand.

He opened my door and I got in. He ran to his side and did what he always did.

30 minutes later

Here I am currently sitting on the bed with my hands over my eyes.
"Ok now OPEN" Alex said
I opened my eyes and saw Alex with flowers, a shirt that says I love this boy with his picture on it and some chocolate.
"OMG IM SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" I said getting up and hugging him tightly.
"Ok now cover you're eyes" I said he did as told and I ran in my closet to get my presents to him.
I grabbed the things I got him.
I set them up, I looked and saw a key chain with half a heart and a Bennie with my picture on it, with some of the Roman reigns signs and a hat.
"Open them" I said he did that and his eyes widened.
"Thank you so much my love, wait where is the other half?" He asked.
I pulled my shirt down a little to reveal a 2 small necklaces.
"Who gave you the other one" I felt tears in my eyes but swallowed them away.
I cleared my throat and found my voice.
"Um Cole" I said he ran up and gave me a hug.
"Hey it's like 6:00 maybe we can cuddle until you fall asleep and can I sleep here?" I nodded.
"That would be nice" I said.

He took his stuff of the bed and I went to change into Cole t-shirt.
I still have them for memories.

I walked out after I changed and went to cuddle with a half-naked Alex.

He grabbed my waist and turned me around so that I would face him.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" Alex said giving me a peck on the lips

I can't believe I fell in love with the bad boy!!


Hi guys a few more chapter and then the epilogue
Ok so next chapter is about them graduating and then the one after that is how they got married.
And then about their family which is the epilogue.

And then yes you guessed right sequel info.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to update I just been real busy.

Christmas special!!! Merry Christmas.

This was edited!!

Oh Picture of Lexi's outfit above👆🏼

(So yes there will be three more and then the epilogue and the sequel info)

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