Three Christmases later

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Just little bits about the future so that I've tied up the lose ends I had in my head.

The winchester traditions are still the same:
Christmas eve turkey sandwiches

Christmas day meal with Ellen and Bobby. They all still sit at the Singer household and try to embarrass each other with draft stories and bad photos.

Gabe still shows up. Although his reasons are now less about food and more about family.

Sam still makes eggnog even though everyone refuses to touch it.

And Sarah and Cas still decorate their homes to a point that both Sam and Dean meet up for a drink to stay out of the way.

Some things have changed.

Sam and Sarah now have little Ellie as well as Mary. Ellie follows Mary around like a little lamb and Mary loves teaching her everything she knows.

And Dean and Cas have two sons: Isaac and Finch and a daughter called Ginny. The three are all siblings that needed a home together and when Dean and Cas were assessed they were found to be perfectly matched to the three under 8 year olds. They're an incredible handful but neither Cas nor Dean would have it any other way.

Kevin followed in Sam's footsteps and went to law school.

At the last Christmas meal Jo told everyone that charlie was actually her girlfriend.

The photo album that Cas gave Dean is not only filled with photos of them with the meerkats, but also with their kids.

There is also a new tradition that Dean and Cas follow through with every year. On the first day of snow at Christmas the couple take their kids, thousands of blankets, sausage rolls and tea and sit in the impala in that same spot and admire the view.

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