Chapter 5- Woobin's POV

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"Wait Mr.Gangster what's your name? Can I atleast know that?" She said to me as I was about to leave the room." I think it might help me be a bit more mean?" 

Mr.Gangster huh? Maybe she should just stick to calling me that. I hesitated for a bit and looked at her...should I tell her my name? Maybe I shouldn't...but telling her my real name wouldn't do any harm right? Besides who is she gonna tell? 

"Woobin" I told her, "the name's Kim Woobin" then I turned around and left. 

She seems like a nice and innocent girl. How the hell did she get herself involved with a bastard like TOP? He must be a real good actor to hide his identity from her for the past 2/3 years...or she's just plain dumb...that could be it...

Honesty, we didnt have any solid evidence that she was TOP's girl but there were many rumors going around so we had to get her before anyone else did. Aish! Whatever, we'll find out everything tomorrow when my boss comes in...I think. I went into my room to get some sleep and noticed her phone on my table. I turned it on and saw it had 38 missed calls and some messages from someone named Jaggiya. Jaggiya? Jaggiya! It's her boyfriend! Its TOP! I clicked on the message and read it. 

"Hey baby where you at? I've been waiting at your apartment for hours but you're still not here. I'm getting really worried about you, you'rr not even answering your phone! If this is a surprise then just say so now. I care more about your safety then I care about a surprise. Please call me back as soon as you get this message." 

Ahh, that's right yesterday was their anniversary or something. I can't believe people still celebrate their "dating anniversaries" I mean does this girl think she lives in a fairy tale or something? I clicked on the next message. 

"Jaggiyaaa I went over to your apartment again today and called you a bajillion times but still can't get in contact with you! If anything is wrong please call me back I'm worried sick." 

Her phone was locked with a password and I couldn't hack into it so I just had to wait till Docs Son comes tomorrow to find out more. 

It was past midnight and I still couldn't sleep. I grabbed my jacket and keys and decided to go for a drive. I kept driving until I reached the old neighborhood. It was still as old and worn down as it used to be. I parked my car and walked over to the house I used to live in. I was only 5 years old the last time I had been in that house. I came by here once or twice a year just to check up on how things are. Usually when I'm stressed out or something's bothering me I come by this neighborhood just to get my mind off of things. Yes this place reminds me of my past and makes me feel cold but at the same time, it's filled with many warm memories that I liked to remember. I headed back to my car and noticed a group teenage guys standing by it. As I approached my car they all encircled me. Oh lord, so these fucking gangs still exist in this neighborhood? Aish these jerks are soo annoying. I tried to get past the two guys blocking my car but they pushed me back. 

"Ya! Where the fuck do you think your going?" The guy said to me while the rest of the gang members started to laugh; I guess he was the leader. 

"Ya imma, go home. Don't you have some homework to do or something?" I said to him in a cool tone. 

"Eh? pabo ya?" The leader smirked and grabbed my shoulder. "Just give us 1.5 million won and we'll leave you alone." 

We're these thugs crazy? Da fuq did they expect me to get that much at this time...and why the hell would I even give it to them? who do these punks think they are? 

"Ya, you crazy bastard, do I look like I got that much on me? Ya ya go home before your mom gets worried bout you." I told them and started waking towards my car. 

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