Anthony snickered, but snatched his phone from his nightstand on the other side of their bed.

"I'm calling us both off of work. No way you can take care of yourself right now."

Adam considered protesting, but honestly had no desire for either him to go to work or for Anthony to leave him. So he just grunted his agreement, and Anthony left to go inform their employers that neither would be at work that day.


"Am I gonna die?" Adam asked with a half-hearted laugh about an hour later, curled up on their couch with a fleece blanket up to his neck and tucked around his body. Anthony was kneeling in front of him and had just taken a thermometer from Adam's mouth as it rang out to signal its prognosis. He seemed displeased, and clicked the thermometer to turn it off.

"One hundred and two. Jesus Adam, when you get sick you really do it dramatically."

"I try," the man in question yawned, curling up tighter against the arm of the couch. "What does my nurse prescribe?"

Anthony journeyed into the kitchen and returned the thermometer to the cabinet, then examined their supply of drugs. To be honest, they didn't have much over the counter stuff since, as previously stated, Adam didn't get sick and Anthony was prone to roughing through his ailments like a man. Still, he read the back of the first box which fell into his sight, then ran a glass of water before making his way back over.

"Two Tylenol and lots of rest," Anthony said with a joking official air, passing the items off. Adam inspected the pills with mock-suspicion.

"If this is your way to roofie me..."

Anthony rolled his eyes and straightened, shoving Adam's shoulder as he did so. "Just take the fucking pills Adam."

The smaller of the two lifted his eyebrows, but did as he was commanded. He screwed up his face as the pills left an unfamiliar aftertaste, rubbing his tongue against the roof of his mouth as though that may fix the issue. Anthony saw this and laughed, taking Adam's half finished glass and setting it on the table beside them.


Adam waggled his eyebrows, probably intending to make some humorous comment in return, but was cut off by yet another body shaking cough he felt was tearing apart his chest cavity and throat. He shivered as another wave of chills shot through him, and in general looked so shockingly pathetic and un-Adam it was frightening. Anthony's entire demeanor changed into a more caring one, and he sat next to Adam on the couch. Instinctually, Adam shifted so the blanket continued to cover him, but his head dropped into his companion's lap like a warm pillow. Slowly they both relaxed, Adam's heavier than normal breathing occasionally interrupted by sniffling and Anthony's hands having take one of Adam's hands between them. After a few minutes of silence, Anthony glanced down at Adam seriously.

"I swear though, if you get me sick-"

Adam giggled uncontrollably.


It took a while, by the Tylenol eventually kicked in and he could practically watch Adam sinking into its effects. His breathing slowed and his wakeful shifting ceased, and his nose stopped whistling. Finally, he seemed to have been taken by sleep and Anthony smiled with a secret fondness before slowly shifting Adam into his arms and standing.

As much as Anthony would have liked to say carrying Adam was a breeze, it was far from it and his arms nearly gave out twice on his way to their bedroom, but Adam was blissfully oblivious and just lolled his head into Anthony's shoulder. Despite how positively adorable his boyfriend of eight months was looking, the more wakeful of the two focused on entering the bedroom and setting Adam onto the bed a little less gently than he would have wished.

The blanket from the couch had trailed, holding to Adam's lower half the entire journey, and Anthony drew it back up to Adam's neck for him. After a second of debate, he crawled under the covers of the bed with him and hugged Adam to his chest, a position they both fell into even with Adam asleep. Thank god the fever reducer had done his job, because even though he was still too warm for healthiness he wasn't suffocating Anthony anymore.

Anthony drew his arms around Adam as Adam snuggled his head into Anthony's chest, and slowly fell asleep.


About four hours later, Adam woke up to the feeling of someone shivering beside him, and found he was being clung to like some child's prized stuffed animal. Squinting with unfocused eyes, he shifted on Anthony's chest to hover above the young man's face with a somewhat chagrined feeling. He pecked Anthony's nose playfully and waited for response, which he got as Anthony's eyes half opened.

The younger had barely even begun to focus on Adam above him when he rapidly turned his head to the side to cough heavily. As though the sight of it encouraged Adam's own sickness, he rolled out of his hovering position to make a similar action over the edge of the bed. Anthony groaned in irritation, turning and pressing his heated forehead against the back of Adam's shoulder. Adam winced and half smiled, nervous.

"Uh... whoops?"

"Fuck you." Anthony whined, frowning and tugging Adam back down to sleep as much of this off as he could manage.

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