Flu (SeaChaos)

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Adam Montoya didn't get sick. Ever.

In the nearly six years Anthony had known him, he'd never seen the guy so much as catch a god damn cold, his health being so stagnantly good that it was near inhuman. To be honest it was frustrating, that the guy was never weakened and rarely anything but healthy, hyperactive Adam. He never had a down day. In fact, Anthony could vividly recall seeing the guy sneeze once and freezing, the sound so out of the ordinary. But Adam had scratched his nose and laughed, and nothing more occurred.

Sickness was far from Anthony's mind when he woke up one morning, drowsily aware that his alarm was ringing out with urgency its owner did not feel, and he leaned over to clumsily collide his fingers with the snooze button. An extra ten minutes wouldn't hurt. Yawning and determined to catch a few more moments of slumber, he turned under his covers. Quickly, discomfort fell upon him and he felt like sweating. He rolled to the opposite side of the bed so he was hovering almost off the edge, but it didn't help much. In fact, he grew frustrated and simply threw the covers off himself, leaving him instead with a weird sensation of chilling sweat on his body. He groaned, now wide awake, and jumped to his feet before his alarm compelled him to do so. Now that he'd given up on returning to sleep, he became more aware of his surroundings.

Like, for instance, the light shaking of the bed.

Worried, he circled to the other side so he could better see the lump under the covers despite the darkness. He was still tired and still had no desire to be up at this time, but thoughts of work were dismissed while he tugged the covers back gently. Was Adam crying? Having a nightmare?

A wash of temperature hit him frighteningly as his boyfriend was brought to view, clearly the result of Anthony's earlier discomfort, and despite this he understood Adam wasn't shaking, he was shivering like he was freezing.

Nervousness increasing, he held the back of his hand against Adam's head and the sleeping man retracted, likely finding the presence freezing cold. Meanwhile, the heat radiating off him was alarmingly large.

Anthony stood to his feet and shuffled in place as he panicked. Shit, fuck, how do you take care of sick people? Should he wake Adam up? Should he shove him full of pills? Take his temperature? What the hell was the first step somebody should take in this situation?

When he panic died down somewhat a few minutes later, he remembered some of his mother's old methods for remedies of high fever. He kicked into gear, rushing to the hall closet and yanking out a wash cloth. This he brought into the bathroom and wetted with cold water until it was thoroughly dampened. Despite it's dripping state, he reentered the bedroom with it and sat it gingerly on Adam's forehead.

Instantly, the older' teeth began to clack and he turned his head as if to avoid the contact, but Anthony held his sleeping form carefully in place. Once sleeping Adam learned to deal with it, he also withdrew the comforter from his overheating body, though he allowed the sheet to remain. This seemed to be the final straw, for when he returned near Adam's face he was stunned to see him eyes half open in confusion.

"How are you feeling?" Anthony demanded, pulling his hand quickly through Adam's hair like an overly concerned mother. Apparently Adam saw the resemblance, because he chuckled to himself at the motions, though the other didn't seem to realize what the source of the laughter was.

"I feel like I have something wet on my head," Adam admitted with a laugh, which quickly turned into a forceful cough. Anthony scrunched up his nose and twisted to the side to avoid any sort of the sickness contaminating him. When that was done, he cleared his throat and dropped his head back onto his pillow with a sound of discomfort. "Also crap."

Anthony pulled his hand back from Adam's hair, standing to his feet. "You look like it."

"I take offense to that!" Adam protested, neither opening his eyes or lifting his head.

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