The Choosing

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" I want her"came a voice so loud, clear and determined yet so familiar. Feeling the necessity to look up, I slowly lifted my eyes and found myself staring at a man who stood tall amongst the other slouchy drunk men. His broad shoulder and black fitted shirt gave him a look of superity. His sharp jaw and cheekbones were perfect, almost god like. His eyes were an intense dark brown with flecks of silver and mystery. If I hadn't been scared and worried I would have stood there gaping.

  Not knowing how to react I stood there staring and not having the slightest idea that Miranda the scrawny faced lady was shooting daggers at me for looking up. 'Ouch' my voice came out loud as I felt someone pinch me hard. Moving my eyes I found Miranda next to me giving me the dirtiest look she can muster. A quick whisper from her told me how angry she was. I quickly looked down and remained like that.

  The intense glares of lust, hunger and mystery from people left me shivering. Realising that I'm only in my undergarments and a white short dress  made me feel naked. Instantly I crossed my arms trying to take cover. However this small action didn't end my anxiousness.

  After an intense silent moment, came the booming voice of Miranda. For a short, small and middle aged person she had such a loud voice.  "Well I guess you would like to have a look at her Sir, before buying her. I must say Sir, she can be a handful at times, not a quiet one. A good beating shall do her good. But then again you won't get one like that. Small and petite, but she has all the curves in the right place" came Miranda's voice. In an instant, her hands went up to my breast giving it a squeeze.

  A loud roar of laughter erupted from the crowds of men who were sitting. Some whistling whilst others were staring intently at me with deep lust.

Feeling totally embarrassed and near to tears I felt my lips quiver. The old plump lady suddenly pushed me forward into the arms of the unknowing.

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