The last day before break.

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Katie's P.O.V.:

*bell rings*

I walked out of my last class and headed to my locker with my two best friends, Kelly & Mady.
I got my teal backpack out and threw in my binder. I took my Nike hoodie off from the hanger in my locker and threw it on.
Next we headed to Kelly and Mady's locker to get their things. Then we headed out to the parking lot and towards to my car.

*Later that day*

Katie: Hey what are you guys doing tomorrow?
Kelly: I'm going to visit my family in Alabama, remember?
Katie: Oh yeah, I forgot. What about you Mady?
Mady: I don't know yet, my mom hasn't told me about anything yet.
Katie: Oh, okay.
Kelly & Mady: Why do you ask?
Katie: My parents are throwing a party with a bunch of friends and family that I don't know and I was hoping at least one of you could keep me company.
Mady: Oh.
Katie: yeah...
Kelly: Maybe you'll meet a cute guy, who knows?
Katie: Doubtful.
Mady: Well just in case you need to wear something super cute.
Kelly: And new!! Lets go shopping!!
Katie: Just be glad I like shopping for new clothes or else I would not be up for this.
*All laugh*

Johnny's P.O.V.

*After athletics*

I took a shower in the boys locker room. I got a call from my mom as I walked out of the locker room towards my locker. I picked up the call.

Johnny: Hello? Is everything okay?
Mrs Matthews: Of course love, I'm just calling to say that you better not have made plans for tomorrow.
Johnny: Yes, ma'am.
Mrs Matthews: Alright, I'll see you when I get home from work later,bye I love you.
Johnny: Alright mom, see you later. I love you too, bye.

*johnny arrives home*

I threw my backpack on the floor and walked into the kitchen, and made myself a sandwich.
I sat down on the floor and played some games on my phone.
*phone rings*

I picked up my phone.
Johnny: Hello?
Mr. Matthews: Hey, Johnny?
Johnny: Oh hey dad, everything alright?
Mr. Matthews: Yea the moving trucks are coming in to pick up what ever is left. Me and your mother wont be home when it comes by so I was calling to tell you to just let them in. That way when your mother and I get home we can just get in the car and go.
Remember its gonna be a long drive so make sure your phones charged so your entertained for the ride to Florida.
Johnny: Yes, Sir.
Mr. Matthews: Alright, bye.
Johnny: Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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