Gambled On A Game of Cards

Start from the beginning

That was why Zeke had to warn Joshua about Luchia. If his family ever found out, they’ll probably arrange to have the shit kicked out of him (charm someone to do it, of course, as they’d never waste any money on him in anyway). But Luchia was planning something strange and most likely stupid. She wasn’t an idiot, though. She was actually quite cunning when she had to be. She could charm any old millionaire of his winnings at the casino and make it seem like he was the dirt bag.

And she had no problem bragging about what she had done, either.

Which was why Zeke found himself in the high-end casino, dressed in not the most fashionable or expensive clothes; a simple pair of black pants and a silky black, short sleeve shirt, looking for Joshua amongst the masses of the upper crust. His sky blue eyes easily glanced at his surroundings, running his hand through his bright red hand in a sign of nervousness. He received a few quizzical looks from those around him, some even appearing as though they’ve never seen him before (which was probably true) or surprised to see him willingly walk into a casino without having dropped his sisters and mother off first.

But he didn’t care. He needed to find Joshua. He couldn’t let Luchia get her claws into him. And not because he had a crush on him (who didn’t? He was gorgeous!) but because Joshua could -and should- do so much better than a money-hungry bitch like Luchia.

Finding Joshua wasn’t all that difficult. He had a very charismatic personality that drew people to him. He was charming and a bit of a high-roller, looking for something of interest to him. He wasn’t shallow though. He wasn’t looking for the next thing to amuse him. When he set his mind on something, nothing was going to deter him.

Pushing his way through the crowd around the enigmatic blond, Zeke immediately gained Joshua’s attention. Joshua grinned widely at him and appeared ready to call out his name when suddenly, the crowd on Joshua’s other side parted and Luchia stood there. Zeke inwardly cursed. He wasn’t able to get to Joshua in time.

Luchia had her hands on her hips in a bold manner and was wearing a short and tight blood red dress that was short and tight. Did he mention it was short and tight? Her hair was only a shade lighter than that of her dress, but her lips were the same seductive red. Her vivid blue eyes stood out greatly under her heavy and dark make-up.

Apparently, they looked similar, but Zeke couldn’t (or rather, didn’t want to) see the resemblance. He hoped against hope that he was adopted and had a real family out there somewhere looking for him.

Luchia gave him such a look that told him if he didn’t back away right now she was going to do whatever it took to make his life more of a living hell than it already was. And so, submissively, Zeke lowered his head, his chin to his chest and took a couple of steps back, away from the plush chair Joshua was confidently and casually occupying without looking at him. He always made sure not to look in Joshua’s direction whenever one of his family members’ exercised their control over him.

“Lucya, babe, what you want now?”

Funny, Joshua didn’t sound all that welcoming when he asked that.

As if a switch had been flicked, Luchia’s frown turned into a flirty smile and she fluttered her eyelashes at him. It was a sicking thing to witness. Surely, others could see through her act as well.

“I just thought you would like to engage in something fun for once,” Luchia practically purred at him, her voice sickly seductive. “Something dangerous…”

“Yeah?” Joshua uttered in mild interest. “What’s that?”

“How about a game of poker between the two of us?” Luchia queried. “But with the stakes a little bit…scandalous. The winner gets whatever and whoever she-”

“Or he,” Joshua cut in abruptly.

“-wants without complaint, and they must do everything she-”

“Or he.”

“-wants, again, without complaint,” Luchia finished, giving Joshua a come-hither look. “Everything.”

So that was what she was planning. As shocking and as scandalous as it was, Zeke wasn’t all that surprised. Only Luchia would think of pulling something as bold as this off. And from the look of his mother’s face in the crowd that had stopped to watch, she seemed proud of her little girl.

“Well, that certainly sounds…intriguing,” Joshua drawled from where he was sprawled out on the couch, his arms hanging casually over the back.

“Well?” Luchia purred with a predatory glint in her eyes. “What do you say? Afraid you’ll lose to a girl like me?”

Zeke wasn’t sure, but Joshua may have twitched at her words.

“Sure, sounds like fun!” Joshua suddenly replied cheerfully. “So I can get whatever, or rather whoever, I want, huh?”

“Only if you win, pretty boy,” Luchia immediately retorted as she sat across from him, her short, tight dress only getting shorter and tighter when she did and pulled out a deck of cards from her bag.

Joshua had actually agreed to her terms? Maybe he wasn’t any different from his brothers after all. Zeke was pretty sure that Joshua would have done something to reject Luchia’s proposal as it was well known amongst the upper crust that Luchia was a card shark.

But then again, Zeke had heard rumours that Joshua could be a killer at cards as well.

Zeke blinked and felt a sense of anticipation when Joshua sent a wink in his direction. What was he planning?

Gambled On A Game of Cards (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now