"Hey Adelaide!" Caitlin surprised Adelaide as she shut the door.
"CAITLIN YOU LITTLE DEVIL!" Adelaide shouted throwing a cushion at her and thus starting a pillow fight.
Caitlin was one of Adelaide's best friends and she even had a key to her trailer, hence why she had just let herself in.
"You." Thump. "little." Whack. "Sneaky." Bash. "Slug!" And a finally thump on top of her head.
Caitlin giggled, she had expected to suffer the wrath of Adelaide who was mourning the loss of her food.
"Love you too Ade." Caitlin said laughing as Adelaide burst out laughing and fell on top of Caitlin.
"Right, what are you doing this week since we have it off?"
Asked Caitlin as she popped off to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of them.
"I'm camping in the British countryside!" Adelaide replied, her voice getting distant as she disappeared into the bedroom of the trailer.
"Oh yeah? Nice, with who?" Caitlin called back, adding a few biscuits she'd brought with her on a saucer to go with the tea.
Caitlin was a lot like Adelaide; always hungry, always curious. The annoying thing about both of them was that it seemed the more they ate, the skinnier they got.
The more they were messy, the prettier they were.
Caitlin, like Adelaide, was wearing a simple outfit, skinny jeans and a baggy T-shirt and her hair was let down, falling in perfect curls around her face and cascading just past her neck.
"With Toby!" Adelaide yelled.
"I'm okay!" Adelaide confirmed, sitting up having fell off the bed.
"And who else?" Caitlin asked in a muffled tone, as she came in with a biscuit in her mouth , two teas and a saucer of biscuits.
"And Toby." Adelaide said, not really paying attention because she were too busy stuffing her cloth bags with various clothes.
"Toby." Adelaide repeated laughing and turning to face Caitlin finally.
"Aha? Do I hear wedding bells in the English highlands?" Caitlin teased, grinning away like a Cheshire Cat from where she sat.
"Well last time I were there I only heard wind but okay." Adelaide replied cheekily and beckoned Caitlin to get off her lazy backside and help.

"Bonjour!" Torrance welcomed Toby as he returned from his various adventures.
"Bongiorno." Toby replied, seeing his friend had already helped with packing his bags.
"Thanks," Toby commented on observing this fact.
"Are you going anywhere for the week, Coombs?" Toby asked, flopping on the small sofa beside him.
"Maybe to a few parties with Caitlin and Anna, but not out of the continent like you mate!" He replied, drinking some of Toby's wine.
"It's only Europe, and hello, why does everyone keep stealing my food?" Regbo asked, taking the wine off Torrance and drinking the rest in one gulp.
"Rude." Torrance declared, pretending to be hurt.
"Yeah whatever." Toby pulled out his iPhone and checked the time.
"The plane is at 5 and we have to be there two hours before boarding. Torrance check if she's ready, yeah? I'll just load my bags in the car. Oh and ask security when they open the gates for cast leaving."
Toby got up and wandered into the bedroom, raking his hands through his hair.
"I will, but one question." He bargained, popping his head around the door before he left,
"Is Tobelaide cannon? Instagram wants to know!" Coombs joked, still curious of the answer. He waited with a smirk on his face for Toby's answer.
"Yeah, funny." Toby yelled back.

"Adelaide?" Torrance called, letting himself into her trailer. He could hear muffled giggling and the occasional dull thump of what sounded like a pillow.
"Are you serious? You two are having pillow fights and Toby is getting ready to board a plane to Europe." He said on guessing what they were up to, coming over to the door and holding his hand on the handle.
"NO! Don't come in!" He heard Adelaide shout.
Little did Coombs know, the room was a complete mess and the clothes were everywhere.
Not only that but Adelaide's hair probably didn't look the best.
"What's that? Come in did you say?" Torrance laughed as he shoved open the door into a world of chaos.
"NO!" Adelaide and Caitlin shouted, dropping their pillows.
Two 20 year old girls sat in the middle of it all.
Surprise there.
His face was priceless.

"Ready." Adelaide confirmed, throwing the last bag she had into the back of the spotless, white Range Rover.
Then she ran over to Caitlin and Anna, giving them a big hug.
"I'll see you guys when I get back, I doubt I will be able to post much on social media since you know.. Wifi is scarce in the highlands but I will try to keep in touch. EW, I might even have to write a letter!" She pulled a face, scrunching her nose up and they all laughed.

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