Chapter 26

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So sorry for the late post! There have been continuous distractions in my life, but that's not an excuse. I'll upload as many as I can.

Enjoy :)


Chapter 26

I was surprised to see Eric parked in the front of the school. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for me, so I passed by the familiar black on black Lincoln to make sure that it was Eric. His nervous smile was a confirmation that he was here for me and wasn't sure if I was going to accept his request.

"Well look who it is," I sarcastically said standing on the sidewalk next to Eric's car folding my arms on my chest. "The body guard who went MIA. Body guard of the year."

Eric sighed and unbuckled his seat belt. He stood outside his door once he realized that I wasn't going in the car.

"Layal, get in the car so we can talk about this somewhere else," he said as quietly as he could over the car roof.

"Whatever, I'll meet you back at the house." I turned on my heel and began walking home.

"You come back here right now," he ordered. That would've worked if I was still 8.

The sidewalks were flooded with kids walking home from school. I'm surprised to see how many students actually walk home, so it was easier to get lost in the crowd.

I could see Eric getting honked at by the cars behind him. He drove slowly while searching for me in the crowd. I smirked at myself feeling a sense of victory and karma for leaving me alone when he could have been the one to take me to the pack house last night before Gabriel rejected me.

He hasn't rejected you completely. Mims said.

A new sense of hope overwhelmed me. Mimi being in my mind comes to prove that Gabriel still has a soft spot for me.

As I rounded the corner to my street, Eric made another appearance and this time he didn't seem as patient as last time. "Get in now."

"Demanding isn't going to help your case at the moment and it's definitely not going to convince me to get in the car," I flatly said.

A roar of thunder clasp from above threatening that it was going to rain at any moment. My stubbornness was getting the best of me and I was thankful for that because I had to keep my guard up if I didn't want to get hurt again.

"God Layal," Eric uttered in frustration as he slammed on the brakes and put the car on park. "You're going to have me do this the hard way."

He unbuckled his seat belt once again today because of me and got out of the car.

What I did next was probably the most childish thing I've done since the last time I was here. I sprinted straight towards the woods and I didn't dare to look back because I know Eric is at my heel.

"Layal! You stop right now! It's not safe in the woods," he exclaimed after me. It sounded like he was far away and when I looked back he was still in front of his car, not attempting to move. He looked alarmed with wide eyes and before I could say anything I was yanked back and everything went black.

"Layal!" I heard Eric's panicked voice again before I was pushed into what I assumed was a car.

"Release me this instant," I demanded as calmly as I could let out. "Nathan, this is getting old don't you think."

"It's not Nathan."

Definitely not Nathan, but at this moment Nathan would be way better to deal with.

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