Chapter 4.

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Nine Months Later...

I climbed out of the car with Trey holding open the door for me. I stood on my toes and kisses him quickly because I knew I had to go soon.

"I'll be okay. I promise. Okay? I love you." I said to him, smiling to reassure him.

"Okay. Ill just miss you a lot. I can't believe you'll be gone for more than a week..." He looked at me with a sad face "but I love you more" he mumbled into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

I looked up at him with a smile across my face and shook my head no, telling him 'No you don't. I love you most.'

I grabbed one of my bags and he grabbed the larger of the two. "Thank you for y'know.. Dropping me off. And being okay with me going. I'm so glad I get to go. Finally."

"I'm happy for you, baby girl. I hope you have fun and that he's okay.

After waiting for a while I hear "Flight 24B to Seattle is boarding now." Come over the intercom.

I hopped onto the plane with my Starbucks in hand. Put my purse under my seat and say next to a girl that could be no older than 13. She just looked at me and didn't say a word. I smiled and waved though. Eventually I had fallen asleep.

I woke after the 6 hour flight and pushed and shoved my way off the plane. I searched frantically for Sebastian. I felt strong, warm arms wrap around me from behind and I jumped.

"Oh my god it's you! Sebastian!" I started tearing up and gave him the biggest hug I could manage, considering he's 10 inches taller than me. He picked me up and kissed the top of my head

"It's you!!" He said, super giddy and excited. We stood there got a few moments, just looking at each other, not believing it is even real.

"Well.. Let's go get your bags." He said with a smile, wrapping his long arm around my waist.

We got my bags and we climbed into his warm, cozy car. It was nice because it was 13 degrees outside and his car must have been in the high 70's.

We drove the 16 minutes to get to his apartment talking the whole time, mostly him explaining what had happened. The whole reason I was here. To make him feel better.

"I still can't believe Ty cheated on me. I don't understand what I did wron-" I cut him off.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I looked into his eyes. His inviting, deep eyes.. "He wasn't worth it. Don't waste your time on him. I know you loved him. I know you still do. I'm sorry about that. I just... Don't spend your time worrying about someone that doesn't deserve it."

"I know, I'm trying. It's been 4 months, Lo. I don't know what to do. I miss him. Still."

We were at his apartment. We both got out and went upstairs. I looked around with him a bit while explaining "I know, it's hard. And I'm really sorry. You don't deserve this" I faced him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug. He looked down at me and hugged me back, putting his long, strong arms around my tiny waist. He lifted up my head by putting his hand under my chin and lifting it up. He looked straight into my eyes and my heart was racing. He leaned down and our faces were very close together. He was practically irresistible. He leaned down farther and kissed me with his warm, yummy lips. I couldn't move at first, but then I kissed back, standing on my toes. We kissed for another moment but both suddenly stopped.

"I.. Lo.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."

I was speechless. I said nothing.

"Elizabeth...?" He asked, trying to get my attention.

I looked down at my tiny feet and closed my eyes for a second. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed back. I mean... I would.. But Trey."

"I understand.. Im sorry..."

"It's okay" I whispered.

"I'm gonna head to bed, okay? I-I love you.. Goodnight. Oh, thanks for giving me a place to stay."

He nodded,"Anytime, Elizabeth."

I walked into the room, it had a decent sized bed and a window. I got undressed to just an oversized shirt and got into bed. I turned off the lamp, but light shone in through the door being opened...


"Hey, Elizabeth..." I could see him slightly, the light bringing his features out "Can... Can I sleep with you..?" I smiled and pat a place next to me on the bed. We didn't do anything. Just held each other. I looked up at him and through the moonlight I saw that he had been crying softly. I wiped away the tear streaming down his face. He was already asleep. I kissed his cheek and whispered "I love you." And fell into a deep sleep.

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