Then it hit me, the guy in the shower had yellow hair and it looked just like Lemonades fur, Lemonade vanished after the 'POOF' and reappeared after another 'POOF' I looked down and saw Lemonade looking at me, Lemonade must be the guy!

I stood up, took Lemonade cautiously in my arms and closed the crane, because I'm wet too. I walked into the house and into the living room, I froze and looked at the kittens with wide eyes 'I have ten of them!' I thought in panic. I looked at the box and took it, I placed all the kittens in there and closed it, I heard them meow in disapproval, but I ignored them.

I paced around in the room thinking of something to do with them "Alex?"

I jumped and spun around looking at Cody who was at the door frame looking a little scared, I walked to him and hugged him

"I'm sorry I yelled but there was a… situation…. So I had to make sure you were okay" I told him

"What happened?" he asked.

I looked at him and glanced at the box with kittens of whatever they are.

"I don't know".

After an hour of preparation I was ready!

I took the garden hose into the house and connected it with a water source to be able to use it immediately, I prepared the bath with warm water but not hot because I don't want to burn the kittens or whatever they are! I don't want to anger them… Cody was under the bed, I told him if I scream or something happens to call the police IMMEDIATELY!

I identified the kitten as Deidara from Naruto….. But I'm not sure because It's fictional…. Right?

I walked down the stairs to the box that didn't produce ANY sound, it made me feel a little scared, maybe they got out of the box…?

I took a deep breath and opened the box very slowly, I saw ten little heads look up at me, the first kitten is Pumpkin, he's the leader that's for sure… and I don't think it's a good idea to poof back the leader first, he might kill me immediately! But he does have a soft look in his eyes…

Next was Sharky, he's the biggest kitten so… DANGER! Well, he did look nice and fluffy but he's the biggest, who known's what he might poof into!

Next is Lemonade, but I have seen him and I don't think I can turn him back yet, he might have a grudge against me and want to kill me plus he looks like Deidara, he's gonna blow me up!..... If it's really him.

Next is Tomato, he seems bored and uninterested, I don't think he likes to be in that box either…

Next is Lollipop, he's a little too happy go lucky and if they're really the Akatsuki, then he's… Madara or should I say Obito… I better not say anything…

Next it Stitch, he went after my money, so he's probably gonna kill and rob me!

Next is Shadow, he seems a little concerned, his eyes are red and it somehow makes me feel a little uncomfortable because he's a guy and I'm not the biggest fighter so he will overpower me.

Next is Oreo…. Him fighting with himself and having a black and white side reminds me of Zetsu, if I turn him back he's gonna eat me!

I looked at the next kitten, It's Perve…….. He's glaring at me and hissing trying to get out of the box, and he's a real Hidan!

"Definitely not you" I murmured and looked at the last kitten that I actually considered turning back… Flower.

It must me Konan, she's nice in the anime, she's a strong woman but she's soft and caring from the inside. But don't underestimate her, she's still strong…. And she's the only girl, so I hope I made the right decision, girls gotta stick together!

Me, my brother and the aCATsukiWhere stories live. Discover now