Don't Kiss Her. Earn It.

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Hey. Told you that I would have the chapter up soon. Anyways here it is. We'll be learning about what's really going on with Sarah and Jason tells us a bit about why he started a gang. Enjoy!

Jason's POV

I was waiting for Jess to answer and he sighs.

"I rather not say, but please whatever you do. Don't kiss her on the lips." Jess said. I was confused.

"What happens if I did?" I asked slightly afraid of the answer. Jess looks up at me.

"Sarah has two different personalities. The one we know: being sweet, gentle, frighten. Basically the good girl." Jess said.

"And the other one?" I asked and Jess sighs.

"If you kiss Sarah, she'll turn into a killer. Not a normal killer we've seen, but a deadly killer we don't mess with. That is, if you gain her trust. Then she won't kill you. Of Sarah loves you, then she will protect you and have your back at all times. With my sister having my mom and dad's genes. It comes in handy sometimes. She can be unpredictable at some points in time." Jess said as I listen.

"If I gain your sister's love and earn her trust. Is it possible for her personalities to merge together? Or can she switch between the two willingly?" I asked and Jess hums.

"Sarah might be able to merge them together. Can you really help her?" Jess asked me. I nodded.

"Believe it or not. Myself and a friend of mine had two personalities. Me and him for into really bad fights to where we had to be chained down and held very far apart. Even in school, at home. Anywhere were we cross paths. A fight broke out between us. One time we for along great and then the next minute-" I was cut off by Jess.

"A fight?" he asked and I nodded.

"You got it." I said.

"What happen to him? Your friend I mean." Jess asked and I sighed.

"There was this arguement him and another guy had. I stepped between them and my friend had punched me. I don't remember what happen next. When I got myself together, I was horrified. I had killed the guy and my friend. Along with some other people.

I ran. I couldn't stand being surrounded by people who might kill me. So I turned to other things, started a gang, mess with cops, and soon I became this city's fearsome gang there is. No other gang mess with us. Most of the gangs here allied with my gang."

"So that's why no other gangs are being heard around my school or my sister's school." Jess said and I nodded.

"Yep. All because of me. They don't do anything, I mean anything, without my permission. Some gangs even fear me." I said and Jess nods.

"So will you help my big sis?" Jess asked.

"Sure, I'll help you. We'll start in the morning." I said and Jess nods.

"Thank you." Jess said and walked out of my room without my response. 'Huh. Interesting siblings you got there, Sarah.' I thought as I laid down on my bed. I noticed the small things no one sees in this family. 'I wonder if they're the ones I need to protect from those people I was warned about.' I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Short chapter I know. Don't worry. The next one might be a little longer. Next up: Merging Personalities. Don't Screw Up! See you guy in the next chapter. I know I forget these. Comment, vote, or whatever. Grimtales134 out!

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