My Dead Brother's Debt

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Hello! Grimtales134 here. Enjoy the chapter!

Sarah's POV

3 months passed and I got use to being around the fearsome gang. They met my 7 siblings and got use to them being annoyingly little brats. It was a week break our school does for us. I was checking the mail. I found out my older brother is dead and I'm so not telling them kids. They need to be happy and scared. We destroyed our old house and built a bigger one on top. The kids were very happy to destroy the house. They somehow already had everything ready told destroy the house.


I looked up hearing something smashed.

"What have I told you guys about playing monkey-in-the-middle with that vase?" I asked as my voice echoes through the house. I heard them giggling and rolled my eyes.

"How did sissy know that we were playing a game?" I heard my youngest sister asked the others. I chuckles and flips an envelope over to the next one. I look closer at it.

"Hmm...this is address to him from someone." I whispered to myself and open the letter that was address to my dead brother. I read the letter and gasped.

"Jason! Get in here! Now!" I yelled and Jason came running in.

"What's wrong, angel?" Jason asked using my nickname he gave me. I handed him the letter. Jason growls as he read the letter.

"I know him. Your brother went messing with the wrong gang. He got the gang leader's daughter pregnant. What was he thinking?! How the hell are you going to pay this off?" Jason asked in a hushed tone. I hummed and suddenly got an idea.

"I got it. I might be able to help them if she wants to keep the baby. If not then transfer the embryo over to me." I said.

"You can't be serious?! Have your own brother's child?!" Jason exclaims.

"That's if she doesn't want it, you dipshit! I don't like it either. I don't want to kill the kid." I said whacking upside his head.

"Ow...ok. Ok. Fine. We'll go talk to them and discuss the price." Jason said as he rubbed his head.

"And?" I asked looking at him.

"And asked about the damn kid." Jason said.

"And?" I asked again loving this.

"And you're the greatest little angel I ever had. And my friend." Jason said and I hugged him.

"Yep. One of the best." I said as I let go.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Jason asked amused.

"Sure am. I got a great view. Get him, guys!" I said and my siblings came running towards Jason.

"Not the kids! Sarah!" Jason said as they all laughed tackling Jason.

"Oh-no! They got me! Blh!" Jason said as he played dead. I shook my head and looked up. Jason and my siblings looks at me and grins.

"Oh dear." I said and they tackling me. I screamed before laughing as we all played. My younger sister by 3 years tackles the biggest member she can find. He fell down and my sister sits on top.

"Oh come on! Really, Dona! Really?!" The man said trying to get up and failing. We laughed and played until night came. The gang was helping me her my siblings to bed then went to their own. 'I have a house full of the most fearsome gangs in the city and I'm not caring. Huh? Cool.' I shook my head at that thought. Jason stops me at my door.

"Sarah. The debt is a huge amount of money. Are you sure can might be able to work this out with them?" Jason asked and I nodded. Jason sighs. He opens his mouth again to say something, but closed it.

"Good night." Jason said.

"Night." I said and closed my door. I wonder what he was going to say? Oh well. I got dress for bed and went to sleep.

Jason's POV

'Damn it! So damn close of asking her.' I thought as I closed my bedroom door. I was going to ask Sarah if she would like to have a picnic with me. Just me and her. It almost sounds like I was asking her out on a date. I groaned and fall back onto my bed. I sigh. 'Am I falling for her. I can't do that. She might turn out be someone who will kill me. Just like that girl I met. Love is a killer. I will never fall for Sarah. Never!' I thought angrily as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Awww! I feel bad for Sarah. Oh well. Next up The Shadow Gang. Awesome! Grimtales134 out!

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