Meeting The Gang Leader

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Here's the next chapter! This is kind of fun. Grimtales134 out! Enjoy the chapter!

"And you brought this girl here for what?" A man asked from the shadows covering his face. The guy in front of him gulped.

"I...I'm sorry..sir. It's just that she looked like she had been through a lot so I thought of....helping...her." The guy said.
The man hums thinking.

"Give the kid some slack. He's the newest member we have in the gang." A man said as he threw his arm around the guy's shoulder.

"Fine. Fine. Whatever. Where's the girl?" The man asked. On cue the door flew open and the girl runs in.

"Stay the fuck away! Where the hell am I?! I want my family!" Sarah yells then she trips landing with a thud on the floor. Sarah looks up at the man in the shadows.

"Where am I?" Sarah asked and she got kicked in the stomach. Sarah gasped and curls up holding her stomach. The guy steps away as the man walks over. Sarah looks up. The man kneels down and cups her chin bringing her face close to his. Blue eyes shines in the darkness.

"You are at my hideout. I'm the gang leader. What's your name, girl?" The man asked.

"Sarah." Sarah said and the man lets go of her face. The man punches her across the face.

"You gave me your name knowing I'm the fearsome gang leader and could have you killed, yet I see no fear in your eyes." The man said as he pulls out his gun and points it at Sarah. Sarah stares at him and gets up.

"Can I to home? I have to find some good to cook for my 7 sliblings and kill the oldest. No, that won't work. They'll find out. Have to find a way...find a way..." Sarah began trailing off as she walks up to the window and opens it. The gang leader grabs Sarah and pulls her away from the window. Sarah's eyes widen and struggles hitting the man in the process. The man drops Sarah and she crawls to a corner.
The guys in the room was stopped by their boss from attacking Sarah.

"I have a feeling this girl has been through more than a normal school beating. What do you think, boss?" The same guy asked his boss who was rubbing his chin.

"I agree. The girl had no shine in her eyes when she was talking about the oldest sibling. Then when I grabbed her she did have a shine. Something tells me we are not dealing with a normal girl." The man said as the other nodded.

"Could she be the one they are looking for?" A big guy asked.

"It's possible. Well I'm keeping her for myself." Their boss said as his gang gasped. The man walks over to Sarah.

"Normally I would have people killed and pay me with the money, but you. I think I'll keep you, my little anhwl. I'll think of a price for you to do." The man said as he stands up. The man opens the door.

"I'll see you around and don't worry about your brother. My gang will take care of him." The man said as Sarah looks at him and slowly stands up. Sarah looks at the door and runs out of the warehouse.

"Are you sure about this, boss? She might tell someone." The young man asked. The gang leader nods with a smirk on his face watching Sarah run through the alley.

"Oh. I'm sure she won't. My plans never failed. She's interesting. Yourre too damn soft." The man said.

"And he's back." The young man said and walks out with the other members.The man looks out the window seeing Sarah's brother walking towards a club. The man's eyes turns red as he opens the window and aims the gun. He smiles as he pulled the trigger.


Sarah's brother fell down as the bullet hits the mark. Headshot. People screams and ran away.

"Stay off my side of this damn town." The man said as he closed the window and walks out of the room. His eyes changing back to blue.

Well then. Ok. The next chapter will be Enjoying School A Bit. Grimtales134 out!

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