"Hey baby" I said.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" She asked me.

"Just at Charlotte's place" I said to her.

I heard her sigh, "You know how I feel about her" She said to me.

"Come on Bianca you know she is not that bad" I said to her.

"Henry you know she hates me, she pushed me down the stairs for fucks sake" She said.

"I know I know and I talked to her about that, you two need to become friends. You are my girlfriend and she is my best friend" I said to her.

"Once she apologizes I will act civil towards her, but until then it is a no from me sir" She said to me.

I chuckled, "Are you coming to her Christmas party though, you know I wanna see you" I said to her.

"Yes of course and I will be wearing that red little dress you love" She said.

I smirked, "You already know me and Jr are gonna love that" I said to her.

"Alright baby I will see you later" She giggled.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" She responded before hanging up the phone. When she hung up the phone the bathroom door opened and Charlotte was there with a towel wrapped around her. I quickly looked away.

"Henry why are your cheeks red, did you just talk to your lover" She taunted walking over to her dresser and grabbing her underwear and bra.

"Shut up" I mumbled. Charlotte went back into the bathroom and left the door opened a crack.

Don't look

Don't look

Don't look

I looked up and saw that she had dropped her towel and she was naked. She was beautiful, her body was amazing. She placed her underwear on and put her bra on. I took in every curve, every freckle, and the smoothness of her body.

I never really noticed Charlotte like that before. I always thought she was basically a second sister to me. But I always thought she was pretty, but goddamn she has a sexy body. I looked away and waited for her to come out of her bathroom.

"Are you gonna stay here the whole day or leave?" Charlotte said coming out of the bathroom wearing some short blue jean shorts, a white crop top, and her white converse.

"Well your Christmas party is later tonight so I will probably leave before then to go get ready" I said to her.

"Alright what do you want to do before then?" She asked me.

"Will you come with me to come and pick out Bianca's promise ring please" I said other.

She rolled her eyes but grabbed her purse and opened her door, "Come on Hen" She said. I smirked and got out of her bed. I slipped on my hoes and sweatshirt and grabbed my keys. We walked downstairs and out the door. I unlocked the car and we both got in.

"You know I talked to Bianca today and she said she would be willing to be friends with you once you apologize for pushing her down the stairs" I said to her.

"Well she is going to be waiting a long ass time because she will not be getting an apology for me" She said as I pulled out of her driveway.

I chuckled, "You are something else Charlotte Bolton" I said shaking my head.

"I know" She said flipping her hair over her shoulder and giving me a smirk.

•Charlotte's POV•

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