HISS: A Tale Of A Yuxa

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  • Dedicated to Melina Cruz

*I really loved writing this, but i will not upload if i don't see any responses. I just feel that if you write something and readers don't like it then there's no point in continuing. I would for you guys to comment, vote, fan or ect. And those that have this as an ebook and cannot do these then you could easily email me at csantillan09@yahoo.com. Every single peron that reads this story is important to me as a writer so i understand if you don't want to, but enjoy it. I didn't write this for me i worte it for all those marvouls  readers :) Now i'll be a good girl and shut up while you read. Thanks for all your support you guys!!!!

P.s i like snakes. You'll understand what im going with this when you find out about the story. Bye!!*


Melina sits in her car. Her palms are sweaty. Her hands are shaking. Something is coming. Something dark, but what could it be? She stares out, in fear of her sudden sense. What’s wrong? Visions, that’s it. It’s visions that are hunting her now. It’s the cause of the Goosebumps across her arms.

No that’s not it, but there can’t be another explanation. Unless she’s in some kind of danger, but she hardly doubts that’s it. 

A hiss appears whispering in her ear. The same cold hiss she’s has heard since she was able to write. She knows it as familiar as a lullaby. It whispers it’s cold words into her ear. On the back seat she grabs her notebook and begins to write.

One man, one past

One friend, the best

His company through his life

His feelings that bring him alive

His relief as he has the perfect friend

To hold and not regret

soul boundless to his friend

His life, energy, hope, faith, and regret

Fluster around his bathroom door

As he steps in, on the marble floor

Sinks down with his friend

His friend, a razor, he never forgets.

IT’s whisper fades slowly leaving her head to whirl in nausea. In a blink of an eye she feels someone in the car with her. Her panic rises as she fumbles to open the car door. She wants to run far away from anything that’s letting fear cold up lose inside her. 

But she stares around, behind her. Nothing is there. Nothing. Deep inside her she realizes nothing was there. Nothing was ever there. Is she being paranoid? Is she losing her mind? Why is it that she’s the only one who could hear. Why? 

Her breath steadies as she shakes off the silliness of her worries. She grasps tightly to the wheel and drives off into the dark. 

A pair of eyes watch her from the backseat. He reaches to the soft leather where her back rests. His palm smoothes the spot in pure affection. It’s time though, no need for more distractions. 

As she drives concentrating on the road, he slips his knife to her throat and slices her neck without a regret. His friend, a razor, he never forgets.

HISS: A Tale Of A Yuxa (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now