Chapter Two

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It turned out that the second boy's name was Roman, and both he and Demetri were in Alexia, Ellie, and Cheri's homeroom. Not only did they share first block together but second as well. Alexia had tried her best not to look at either of them, but she found it extremely hard. They both sat on her left side; Demetri was directly beside her and Roman was in front of him. Whenever she chanced a glance over their way, she felt like she had just missed them both looking at her. Maybe she was being overly hopeful. Right before second block had ended, she accidentally knocked her pen off her desk; to her surprise, both boys practically dove to pick it up for her. Roman was faster and when he handed it back to her, their hands brushed briefly, and she instantly flushed and felt burning hot. She whispered a quick thank you and was saved by the bell. She darted from her desk before she even heard him say, "You're welcome".

At lunch, the girls sat at their usual table in the small crowded cafeteria. Alexia had told Ellie and Cheri about what had happened and they both laughed at her. "Come on, you guys. I made a fool out of myself already. They probably think I have some kind of disorder." Alexia was picking at her salad, completely uninterested in eating. "I was just so shocked by how instantly my body burned up when he touched my hand. I mean, I'm used to blushing but that was intense; my whole body was hot."

"Okay, I can tell you feel like you have screwed up, but honestly, you're making a big deal out of nothing. This may be a good thing, you know." Ellie was always good at making her feel better when she was sick or sad, but this time Alexia was just getting annoyed.

"How is that?"

"Well, maybe he just thinks you were brushing him off like you weren't interested in him at all."

"Yeah, you could totally use this to your advantage!" Cheri chimed in, resulting in Alexia giving her a dirty look. "No, seriously. Now he probably thinks you're not interested at all, so until you decide which guy you actually like, you flirt it up with Demetri and make Roman jealous. Then, if in the end you decide you like Roman and not Demetri, he will be all over you when you give him attention."

"I love how confident you two are that they both are actually going to give me the time of day," Alexia sighed. "They are so gorgeous."

"Girl, please. First of all, Demetri already winked at you; secondly, they both dived to pick up your pen; and third," Cheri paused for a moment, "and third," she repeated with a smile on her face, "Demetri is walking over here now, so change the subject." She laughed loudly as if they were talking about something very funny. "Seriously, Alexia, that's too funny!"

"I can't believe that happened to you on your trip! If I were you, I would have told that guy to get a clue." Alexia had no idea where Ellie was going with this, but she tried to play along.

"Well, you know me; I try not to break guys' hearts if I can help it."

"Funny, 'cause you look like the kind of girl who breaks a lot of guys' hearts." Demetri had reached their table now and was leaning against it, looking down at Alexia. "No offense, but you seemed to brush off Roman pretty fast back in English. I'm Demetri by the way." He held out his hand to Alexia, but she didn't shake it.

"I wasn't brushing him off, and what makes you think that broke his heart?" Alexia didn't want to make a bad impression on either of the boys. "He doesn't even know me."

"Ah, well, I saw him looking at you when we were getting our lockers with Principal Digger. He 'dug' you right away." It was extremely hard to keep her cool around this guy; everything about him made her nervous, but sort of in a good way. Now that he was up close, she noticed his eyes were the brightest green she had ever seen. It was so hard not to let go and get lost in them, but she couldn't. She had to keep it cool and not make a fool out of herself.

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