"First dibs on what, Ellie? Spit it out already. You're making me so anxious!"

"Okay, let me explain then! So, my mom had to go over to Principal Digger's house to discuss my grades and stuff for graduation." Alexia had a confused look on her face, which caused Ellie to say, "Just listen, I promise it all ties in together. So anyways, she had to deal with a bunch of that stuff and while she was there she said that two people came to her door with enrollment forms to Youngstown High!" When Alexia didn't look impressed at all, Ellie stopped walking and smiled at her friend. "They are two new boys enrolling into our grade!" As soon as Alexia heard the word 'boys', the look on her face changed immediately. Ellie pushed past her friend with a satisfied grin on her face and continued walking.

"Seriously!?" Alexia hurried to catch up with her. "Do you know how old they are? What color is their hair? Are they brothers? Where did they move from? Did they have an accent? Oh my gosh, could you imagine if they had some kind of sexy accents or something!?" At any other High School, the arrival of new students wouldn't mean a thing, but in their small town, having new students, especially two guys, was big news.

"Slow down there, Alexia, all I got out of my mom is that two new boys enrolled into our grade. But considering our homeroom has the least amount of people, I guarantee they are both placed there."

The girls were arriving at school just as Ellie had finished dishing out all she knew about the new boys. Nothing had changed about the school, not that Alexia had expected change. The same oak trees lined the small field behind the old brick building, and the same stone steps led up to the same old creaky doors with paint peeling off. She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she would miss this place when she graduated. No matter how grungy it looked from the outside, it was her kingdom. School was the one place that she had some sort of control.

They were walking up the steps when Cheri came barreling down and embraced her two best friends. "I am so glad you're back, Alexia. Ellie said she had something super awesome to tell us but couldn't share it with me because she had to tell you first. Which, by the way, Ell," she said as she turned to face Ellie, "was so not cool of you! I have been so curious and driving myself nuts about what it could possibly be!"

Cheri had been speaking so fast that when she finally stopped talking her face was red from lack of oxygen. Cheri was your typical high school girl who loved to dress her best, wore a little too much make up around her light brown eyes, and talked way too much and way too fast. Today, her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun which exposed her perfect heart shaped face. "Come on, don't keep me waiting anymore, Ellie!"

"I have two words for you: new boys." Ellie smiled as if she had just released top secret information.

Cheri smirked and laughed. "Already ran into them in the main office, and I have two words for you: hot-ties!"

"That's one word, Cheri," Ellie replied. "And seriously, like what level of hot are we talking about here? Like, hot like Sham Samson?"

"Or hot like Cam Riley?" Alexia wanted to run to the office and find the boys. She couldn't bear not knowing what they looked like or how they acted. She wanted to know them both so badly already, and she hadn't even seen their faces.

"There is no comparison, you guys. You have to see them." The girls had made it to their lockers now, which were around the corner from the office where Cheri had said she had seen them. "Hurry up before Digger takes them to get lockers!" Cheri was bouncing up and down like a kid in a candy store. She wanted to show them so bad, so she could know which one Alexia would claim as her new guy.

"I don't think we have to hurry. Turn around." Ellie was staring past Alexia and Cheri. The two girls turned around to see the principal and two of the most gorgeous guys they had ever seen walking their way. Cheri was right, there was no comparison to any guy that had ever walked their halls.

The guy on the left of Mrs. Digger was tall and looking right at Alexia. His dark hair was spiked up in a very high fashion kind of way. He looked like he took good care of his body; his arms were thick with muscle and, even though you couldn't see his stomach, you could tell that he was the type of guy to have a ripped six pack. His clothes were crisp and clean, his jeans weren't super baggy or tight like some guys at their school wore, and he had a plain white tee-shirt under a sexy black leather jacket. Right off the bat, Alexia liked his bad boy look and wondered if he had the attitude to match.

The other guy looked a lot like the first one; they could have been related but he had a completely different air about him. He was also tall with dark black hair that stuck up in a cute way, but it didn't look like he had made it look that way on purpose. He was also built and had tanned skin. His dark jeans were slightly tighter than the first boy's and he had a black belt through the loops. What looked like a band tee-shirt was half hidden by his black zip-up hoodie. He didn't look like a bad boy, maybe more of the rocker type, but either way, Alexia was blown away by both of them.

As they were about to walk past the three girls, the second boy noticed Alexia staring and his tanned skin seemed to go slightly pale as he flashed her a smile and continued walking until the principal stopped only a few lockers away from them. The bad boy wasn't even paying attention to the principal anymore; he had his eye on the group of girls watching them.

"Demetri, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Digger said, flashing him a dangerous glare. Before he turned around to face her, he gave Alexia a wink that made her stomach fill up with butterflies. She waved foolishly and turned back to her friends.

"Walk now. Please walk away with me now." Alexia was blushing, and she rushed away with her friends to the closest bathroom. Cheri pushed the door open and let out a high-pitched squeal.

"Didn't I tell you they were both so hot? Did you see the way the one in the leather jacket was looking at you? What did Digger say his name was?"

"I think it was Demetri," Ellie responded before turning to Alexia. "Somebody already has their eye on you, Alexia. So what did you think of them? Who do you think you're going to go after?" Alexia was staring at herself in the mirror. She looked pale, which never happened. She felt weird, like she was experiencing déjà vu or something.

"Alexia, are you okay?" Cheri asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shocked I guess." Alexia shook her head a little, trying to clear her thoughts. "They were both really attractive. I don't know which one I'll try to talk to first."

"Well, at least we have Stacy Mudet's back-to-school party to show them both how we like to have fun." Ellie was all smiles while Cheri looked at Alexia with a frown.

"Alexia, what's wrong with you? You're always so stoked for this party, but now you don't seem excited at all. This is going to be the best one ever because you are going to invite both of those gorgeous guys and then when you see which one can actually keep up with you, he will be all yours."

She was right. Stacy's back to school parties were amazing. Her parents were always out of town and her big sister would buy a bunch of alcohol for everybody. It was the place to be, and since Alexia was a party girl, she was always there. At the party in September when school had first started back up, Alexia had gotten so drunk with Cheri that Ellie had pulled them both back to her house in Stacy's little sister's red wagon. Of course, she had taken several embarrassing pictures of them as blackmail.

Alexia snapped out of it and smiled at her friends. "As long as I'm not being wheeled home in a shiny red wagon again...that would not help me out with either of these guys." They all laughed and then the bell rang, warning them to get to class. "I hope they're both in our homeroom. Let's go!" The three of them ran from the bathroom to their first block class.

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