Niall suddenly appears by the doorway of my bedroom, his eyes momentarily appraising the situation at hand, a situation that involves the oblivious and fucking sexy as hell Elle now snaked all over me as I am all over her, my face an inch away from her face, both our clothes barely hanging on, both of our hands obviously not kept to ourselves. "There's no way I'm leaving the both of you." He announces like he's some sort of a college dean or some shit.

"I'm telling you now Niall, you're going to have to leave." I spit and shit, I can't wait until he's gone. Okay, I'm going to try my best not to fuck her as I never fuck drunk or drugged girls, but I want to keep touching her while she talks shit and I talk back. I want to kiss her in my bed and make out with her while I can, while I'm sure she's going to kiss me back. Because when she goes back to her sane self, I'm pretty sure none of this will ever happen again.

"Why, so you can fuck her?" Niall asks and he looks absolutely mad.

"I'm not fucking her, Niall. I just need you to leave us alone." Damn, Niall can be so stubborn at times. He's childish and most of the time the playful one between the two of us, but he keeps acting like he's older in some situations like he does now. Okay, he's indeed older than I am by one year but who fucking cares?

"No, I'm going to see you put her down in the bed, leave her there and sleep in that couch."

"What? Are you fucking crazy? I'm not camping out of my own bedroom!" I can't believe I'm fighting for my own fucking right now to sleep in my own bed.

"I know you Harry. I know you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself if you sleep on the bed with her. And I'm here to avoid that."

"What are you now? My father?" I spit. This is stupid as shit. Niall knows no limits in meddling with my life.

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Listen, Harry. If you push exactly what you want to do, I'm pretty sure that once Dan wakes up, she's going to hate you like hell. So if you don't want anything like that to happen, might as well do as I say."

"I said I'm not fucking her!" I snap, completely losing it.

"I don't believe you, Harold." He says while shaking his head dramatically. This stupid Irish lad really needs some serious reminding. I want to stand my ground but I know better that if I don't do as he says, he's going to be standing by the doorway like a shitty statue and all I'll ever be here is a guy trying to steady a girl who keeps sliding off him and turning him on without having to try while he only keeps getting turned on until his own boner bursts out and yet he can never fuck her. Damn it.

"Fine." I spit and roll my eyes. "Get the hell out of my way so I can take her to bed."

He smiles in a fucking beat after I said that. "Good boy, Harold. Now, come over."

If I didn't know Niall for almost half of my life, I would have thought he was actually my balding, strict principal way back in high school. He goes back to the bedroom and lifts the sheet while all I can do is to walk Elle toward it. I put her down, careful to not make her face hit the bed first. She falls on the bed sideways, her blanket completely sliding off, her glorious breasts bursting out of her lacy black bra as she's now lying slightly on her stomach. Shit. I push Niall out of the way, turning him away from her just so he won't see her anymore. "Get the hell out, Niall, I swear to God."

"Nope, I'm not leaving without you, Harry. Just throw the blanket over her now." He says, his back on us, on Elle. Good.

I'm the badass but Niall is making me oblige to whatever he says tonight and believe me or not, I'm not letting him off the hook for all of this shit. I stoop and pick up the blanket she's left on the floor. I lift her limbs and make sure she's comfortable lying with her back on the bed. I take a few more minutes on staring, checking her out from head to toe, from her messy and yet still wonderful mane of brown hair, to her now shut, thick-lashed eyes, small nose and slightly apart cherry lips, down to the graceful line of her throat then down, down to her breasts, analyzing now how a pitch-black bra contrasts the whiteness of her skin, how it makes everything in her body stand out, how even the littlest of her freckles across her chest look so amazing in that black bra.

"Have you secured her with the blanket yet?"

"Bullshit." I spit as Niall pulls me out of my precious sightseeing. I bend and wrap the blanket around her body, hating the fact that I have to hide her from me when I can just leave her that way and stare at her all night. "Done."

Niall turns around and looks down, checking if I did as I'm told. Niall Horan and his daddy issues. "Well done, Harry. Now, let's go."

"I don't understand you, Niall. You don't give a shit with what I do with other girls before. Why do you care so much about what I do now?"

He puts his hands on his waist and looks up, like he's really taking into consideration to answer my fucking question. He shrugs and looks back at me with that stupid grin. "I don't know. I'm just getting the gut feeling that this one's going to be different."

I can't help but laugh at that. "Nothing's different, Niall. I swear, you're only imagining it. Elle is just like every other girl that needs some fucking. I'm just here to do just that if she allows me."

He laughs. "That's exactly the point. That is if she will ever allow you." He laughs again and shakes his head as he walks toward the door. He looks back at me. "Leave her alone, Harold. You're fucking her when she wants you to."

The last words of Niall keep ringing in my head like shit. I'm fucking her when she wants me to? So now, I'm the one to wait? Harry Styles, who's never really good at waiting, never really waited for any girl as I'm always given the free pass to fuck, is now left without a choice but to wait and only wait? He's got to be kidding me. I'm no member of her waiting list club. Fucking Liam has been a member there for a long time now and I'm not joining him for as long as I fucking breathe. I'm getting Elle in no time. She will soon forget about her lousy girlfriend. She will soon not give fucking Liam a shit. I'm making her say yes to be a part of my plan. I'm making her want me back. I'm making her want to get fucked by me and only me. I'm going to make her mine.

Author's Note: Merry christmas everyone! Good tidings to all. :) Anyway, this one's a bit short. Hmm, what do you think about Harry so far? And Niall too? And about what's happening?  :)

Bound To Share [Harry Styles] [A.U.] (completed✔️) Where stories live. Discover now