Characteristics of the Characters

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Chloe Victoria Hatter

Long blond hair styled in layers
Black and Red Highlights
Light blue eyes that sparkle
Average height
Petite figure
Raven tattoo on collarbone

Usual Clothes:
Ripped Black Jeans
Studded Leather Jacket
Studded Combat Boots
Band T-Shirts

- Bad-ass girl who was supposed to be in detention everyday after school, but always ditches
- Popular for her rebel actions
- Girl lots of guys fall for
- Nice, but down right intimidating

Kevin James Treather

Dark brown hair
Green eyes
Average-Tall height (I guess)
Eagle tattoo on shoulder

Usual Clothes:
Converse shoes
Dog Tag on a chain around neck

- Not popular
- Joker, but not good enough to raise his popularity status
- Gets bullied a lot since he doesn't stand up for himself
- Nice, however isn't intimidating

Carl Spencer Jonham

Ginger hair
Dark brown eyes
Tongue piercing
Average height

Usual clothes:
(Basically same as Kevin except he doesn't wear a dog tag)
Skull ring

(Same as Kevin)

Kevin and Carl are best friends

Well here are the features of the main characters in Unexpected Lies. This is just to help you understand the characters a little more.

-Sam out

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