Forever Mine Chapter 48

Start from the beginning

“I can’t tell you.” I sighed, which probably wasn’t the best thing to say to her because of course she’d just ask more questions. Of course, as soon as I said that her eyes practically popped out of her head.

“Tell me!” She cried. I shook my head.

“I really can’t.”

“Why not?”

“There are some things you can’t know, Serena.” I watched as she plopped down on her bed, since she’d dragged me into her dorm.

“What? Why not?” She seemed to think this was insanity. I laughed.

“I’m sworn to secrecy.” I whispered. She groaned.

“You’re lying.”

I wanted to tell Serena, really I did but I obviously couldn’t. I rather felt bad. Ever since coming to Hogwarts we’d become less and less close. I tell Ginny more things than Serena these days. Before I wouldn’t have hesitated to say that Serena was my best friend but now? Honestly she’s been a bit replaced. Fred and George are really my first priority, even though it doesn’t seem so.

“I’m not.” I said, kicking off my shoes and sitting next to her. Serena gave me an exasperated look.

“You really can’t tell me?”

“I really can’t. I’m sorry.” And I do mean it. It takes great effort, I know, but she huffs in defeat.

“Where are Fred and- and George?” It still makes Serena sad to talk about George, you can tell. And it makes me sad that it makes her sad. I never knew she felt this strongly about him. Yet another point; I don’t know Serena as well anymore.

“Oh, they’re out riding their new brooms.” I wave a dismissive hand because that’s the very first thing they did when we got back. Old Fred and George were back.

“New brooms? Where’d they get the money for new brooms?”

We both knew never to even talk about money in front of the Weasley’s. Especially Fred and George. Whenever you’d even talk about buying something for them their ears would go red and they would refuse. I was actually a bit surprised about how easily they accepted the two  very expensive brand new racing brooms. “I bought them for them for Christmas. Then I got Ginny a dress and new Quidditch robes. She was eying them-”

Serena’s face lit up almost immediately and she interrupts. “Oooh. Hey, Seph did you get me something? I got you something.” She reached over to her nightstand and pulls out a little silver box. “Here, open it. Now where’s mine?” I smirked at here and pulled the little silken bag out of my pocket, tossing it on her lap and pulling the blue ribbon off my little box. I open it and inside is a very delicately crafted silver-twined bracelet. I slip it on immediately. “It’s real goblin silver, you know. Kind of like your ring.”

My ring. I looked down at my ring finger in admiration.

“Wow these are gorgeous, Seph!” Serena cried, holding up the pair of earrings I’d got her. They were; they were golden and sparkled like fairy lights. Immediately she put them on. “How do they look?”

“Beautiful.” I said, smiling.

“Your bracelet, it’s kind of odd. It changes colors whenever you’re in danger. I’ve no idea how that works but it’s rather cool. Kind of like one of those Sneak-o-Scope things. Danni snuck out one night and it went crazy, started flashing all different colors. Scared the daylights out of me. Shined right through the nightstand. Oh…” The smile fell right off her face. “I have some bad news.”

Forever Mine: My Time With Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now