Camus led you to the simulation room, which was being transformed into an ice rink due to Camus's magic in collaboration with the simulation. You could see couples beginning to move into the rink after putting on skates made by magic.

Even the Starish members are struggling ot skate. And so, Camus gently drag you to the rink and began skating. He slowly guide you as you tried to get used to the skates. When he was about to let your hands off, you quickly grabbed into his incase you suddenly fall. He chuckled slightly at your attempt.

"You may not be good at skating but you never fail to impress me," Camus complimented as he continued guiding you as if the two of you were waltzing along witht the music. You blushed.

It took you a while to realise that you still have some errands to deal with since you managed to skate happily with Camus. But you had to leave the rink as soon as the music ends. Just like cinderella who had to leave the ball before midnight.

"I'm sorry, I have to go now!" You told Camus as the music stopped. "I got some things to do before I'm late."

Camus was disappointed but he had to let you go. So, you skated your way to the exit before Camus could catch up to you.

"Happy Christmas eve, (first name)," was all he could say before you disappear to the outside while smiling sadly.

As soon as you reached the exit to the outside of the Cafe, you saw Ai who happened to be standing at the outside while looking into the sky. You then clanked open the door and walked outside. Ai noticed this and decided to talk to you.

"Hello,(first name). I heard that you got something to do before you head home," he began, eyes still fixated on the sky. "Would you like me to accompany you? I'm free right now."

"I-I don't mind..." was all you could say as you nuzzled on the scarf in embarrassment.

Ai caught sight of your reaction and somehow looked angry. You were puzzled by his expression.

"Who's scarf is that?" He questioned, slightly irked.

"It was Ranmaru's," you answered honestly.

"Come on, let's go to where you need to go," Ai stated bluntly as he walked ahead of you even though he's still clueless of where you are heading to.

And so, your journey on the errands was pretty an awkward one. You had to buy a roasted turkey and 3 sets of pizza as told while Ai was ignoring you for the whole moment until the two of you arrived at a boutique shop where the winter clothings are really pretty. Ai was distracted by the shop for quite a while until you asked him what's wrong.

He then entered the shop while asking you to wait outside for 5 minutes. His accurate timing should set you at ease so you agreed.

5 minutes later...

"Sorry, did you wait long? I know I shouldn't ask you to wait outside when it's this chilly," Ai apologised as he held out a bag with the boutique shop's name on it. "Wear this instead. It should keep you more warmer than that." And points at the scarf that you are waering right now.

You accepted the bag and checked the inside. It was a (insert your fav. Colour) muffler and a matching beanie. You never expect him to buy these for you at all.

"I can't accept this," you said as you treid to return the bag to him.

"No it's ok, this is a present for you," Ai told you so you had to take the bag. "You can keep Ranmaru's's a gift from him too....but I'd hope that you'll like mine more than his..."

Ai must be jealous for other guys to do things before he could just for you. So you happily accepted his gift and greeted him 'Happy Christmas Eve'.

"You too. Happy Christmas eve," Ai greeted and smiled.

You then head back home after that even though Ai wanted to send you back home but was being stopped by his pals in the Cafe(you stopped by the Cafe since it's there on your way home).

"I hope this little kid didn't bother you," Reiji jokingly said as he took out something from his pocket. "Here, a gift for you. Happy Christmas eve!!"

It was a cute card from Reiji. Inside it was a handwritten greeting from Reijiam and a picture of him taken under the great christmas tree.

"I wish I could go to the great christmas tree with you tomorrow," Reiji said with a gentle smile. "If you are up for one, do tell us!"

You smiled at the four idols when you are about to turn away and return home. The idols return their smiles to you after that.

And so Happy Christmas eve everyone out there!!!

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