Day 7 ~after story~

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Reiji: Otsukare ma cha chan~! *Twirls around and poses with a thumbsup*

STARISH: Otsukare(good job)!

Kei: I heard the next event will also be a huge one, am I right, Ai-kun?

Ai: Yes and we will need to stay and prepare overnight. I assure you that none of us will be absent for tommorow's work.

Kei: That's good to hear. So...what's the event about?

Ai: *whispers*

Kei: Ohhhh...that's gonna be good!

Ittoki: Minna, Ringo-chan is here! Our costumes are ready!

Natsuki: Tadaima~! *Cheerfully prancing into the shop*

Ittoki: Ah, Natsuki!


Ringo: Look at these I made a while ago! You should thank the other two assistants too! *holds a costume*

Masato: The other two? You mean Nanami? *everyone's attention focused to Masato*

Ringo: Sou, and also Shibuya Tomo-chan! Teehee~

Syo: No matter who made this, this is really cool! *takes an oufit*

Natsuki: *looks at what Syo was holding* Uwaa~ isn't this a pirate's outfit? Um...who's wearing this again?

Ai: According to my data, none of us will be wearing this. Is this an error? I believe that I have stated our intentions clearly.

Ringo: Ah...gomene. We couldn't make another outfit to that particular costume so we had to come up with another one. This is Syo's.

Syo: Eh...? What about...

Ringo: Just. Accept. It. *Ranmaru snickered*

Camus: It's too bad that you couldn't get what you wanted but...


Camus: I will always remain as a Count with the best silk costume ever!

Cecil: Camus, that ain't silk...

Camus: *despair*

Reiji: just rubbed salt into his wound.

Ranmaru: *snickers*

Natsuki: Uwaaaa~~~ a fairy costume. Just like Fairy King of Oberon!

Tokiya: So everyone here remember your roles?

*Everyone nods except for Cecil*

Cecil: What role...?

Ai: I guess you didn't know

Hyuga: Oyyy, you don't expect me to carry all these decorations here by myself eh...?

Ren: Ah...Hyuga-san is getting old. *Helps to carry the boxes*

Hyuga: Tch...I'm still young!

Cecil: Black curtains...? Few sets of table clothes...what are these for?

Ai: We got the planning done like few days ago so there shouldn't be a problem. There is supposed to be some props for the main feature of the event too.

Ittoki: Hard cardboard...bucket of paints...brushes...coloured papers.... So we are going to make those props from scratch. *scratches his hair with a pout*

Ai: We'll finish it before the event tomorrow. The possibility of finishing is very high if we start now. Syo and Natsuki please help Kei close the shop down now.

Syo and Natsuki: Hai!

Tokiya: There will be three areas that needs to be decorated so we will get you all into groups.

Ai: Cecil, Masato, Syo will be led by me as we will be in charge of decorating the simulation room.

Kei: But with only the simulations, you need not use your hands to decorate the room. I'll generate a simulation for a beta test then. *Runs to the simulation room*

Ai: I see, so the most we can do is to decorate the entrance and only the few of us will be able to test out the simulation. I guess I'll have to ask someone to test it out...

Reiji: Anyways, Otoyan, Ran-ran and Camus will be with me to decorate the stairs to the next floor!

Tokiya: I guess the rest of you will be with me then. We'll take care of the table setting and the spaces of the dining area.

Natsuki: Uwaaa I can't wait!

And so...the three groups began to get busy. The only group which was being asked to do a beta test on the simulation were somewhat reluctant to do so.

Syo: There's no way in hell I'm going inside!

Masato: Be a man and go. *Calmly*

Ai: You lost to us by rock-paper-scissors for three times.

Cecil: Ma, ganbatte kudasai! *grins*


-To be continued

Quite a huge hint for the next event eh, teehee.

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