Day 12

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It was the 24th of December where the streets were decorated with colourful lights that lighted the dark night streets brilliantly. Snowflakes slowly fall from the skies, pilling up the ground with pure white snow. You decided to visit the around the lively town while running errands for your mom. This year's attraction was the gigantic christmas tree that was decorated with colourful ornaments by the townspeople.

As you were looking around the shops beside you, you caught sight of a familiar looking person who was busy looking at the instruments displayed in the shop. It was Reiji. He wore a dark green scarf and an oversized jacket as his overshirt.

You approached him but he didn't budge. It was when you decided to check on what caught his attention. It was a pair of green maracas designed to match the festive season's colour.

Reiji was startled after finding out that you were just beside him.

"Y-yo girl, fancy meeting you here," he greeted with his blushing face. "Whacha doin'?"

"Out to do some errand. What about you?" You told him as you smiled.

"Well, just waiting for Ran-ran. He was looking for some bass strings," Reiji replied as he exhaled, causing white smoke(?) appearing from his nose.

Suddenly you hears a clank on the shop's door, revealing to be the gray haired rocker, Ranmaru.

"Let's go now before we got nagged by those two again," Ranmaru said but nearly jumped when he saw you. He saw how red your cheek and nose were since you were out in the cold without a scarf. He then removed his scarf and gently wrapped it on your neck.

After that, he walked ahead of you and Reiji without any other word.

"Ran-ran's tsun tsun mode is on~" Reiji teased making Ranmaru glare at him. Reiji just let out a slight laughter in the latter. "So, would you like to visit the Cafe for some hot chocolate beforehand? You'll need to warm yourself up."

"I guess I'll have some then," you agreed and followed Reiji to the Cafe.

As soon as you reached the Cafe, you saw Ranmaru talking to Ai and Camus. They were somewhat in a bad mood or something.

"You fool, when are you going to learn how to be punctual at work?" Camus angered as he crossed his arms.

"You are late for 5 minutes," Ai stated bluntly as he was not interested in the arguement.

"The streets was cold and we had to walk," Ranmaru said as he entered the Cafe without any care.

"Um...we got a customer here," Reiji said as he tried to break the little argument. Camus and Ai were surprised to see her.

"Welcome to SS Cafe, milady," Camus welcomed with a bow. "Today we had extended our opening time till 9.00pm."

After the welcome, you find yourself a seat and ordered a mug of hot chocolate. Camus then approached to your seat and decided to accompany you.

"Have you ever been to the ice rink before?" He started the conversation as casually as possible.

"Hm...I never been to one before..." you replied.

"Shall we hit one later?" Camus asked.

You then think back the time when he did the triple axels in the Cafe...does that means he's going to turn the Cafe into an ice rink again?

"We'll be having a skating event here in a few minutes time," Camus explained which made you gave out a 'i knew it' look. "I shall teach you the fundamentals of skating."

You gave out a slight laughter as you had no choice but to agree to his passion in teaching you.

Mini timeskip...

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