Chapter 2

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Felix's POV

Last night, when I started pulling clothes out after I had hung up with Cry, I noticed some of Marzia's clothes were gone. She must've slept over at her friend Caterina's house then.

I packed enough clothes for four weeks. I grabbed my keys and left a note for Marzia. Just to let her know where I had gone and for her to call me when she got it. I said goodbye to Maya, then closed the door. I had only my laptop and cell phone. I figured, I could use a break. Then I got into a taxi.

On the plane I was about to read a book I had brought with me but I fell asleep after the Prologue.

--Felix's dream--

I felt two fingers outline my jawline and then chin. They trailed up to my lips. Then the fingers left and were replaced with lips. Our kiss was intense. I got shivers that ran up and down my spine. I felt myself asking the other for an entrance. Once my tounge dominated the other's we'd fallen onto a couch. I opened my eyes and saw-

--End of Dream--

"Excuse me sir?"

I jerked awake and looked behind me, the man receded his hand from my shoulder. "Yes?" I tilted my head a bit and furrowed my brows. He directed his eyebrows toward my vibrating phone on the empty seat next to me.

"Oh," I said wiping the sleep from my eyes, "Thanks." The man nodded and resumed what he was doing before. I looked back at the still vibrating phone in my hand. It was Cry. A huge smile was spread onto my face. I tapped 'Answer'.


"Hello Friend!"

"Cry. Hey!" I said acting clueless.

"Pewds are you still on the plane?"

The anouncement came on when he said that. "Yeah. We're landing so I have to go. I'll see you in a bit."

We both said our goodbyes and hung up. Once we had landed, they'd given us the okay to get up. A stubby bald man directed the line of passengers to the baggage claim.

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