Chapter 2

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Hawke's eyes blinked open, her head throbbing. Where was she? As the fuzziness in her sight cleared, she noticed the elf from last night sitting next to her. They appeared to be far from the city, and if she had to guess it was already near noon.

"What happened?" Her voice was clumsy, showing how she still wasn't fully up.

The elf scowled. "They very nearly got us. Lucky for you that dog of yours is very protective. He held them back while I got us out of there. Who are you anyways?"

Hawke sat up, wincing slightly. Some of Bethany's healing magic would have done wonders for her head. "I'm Marian Hawke, but Hawke is what my friends call me."

"Fenris." He held out his hand to shake hers. "Anyhow, we can't stay hidden here on the Sundermount forever. Danarius will have heard of the battle and he will be upon us soon."

"Wait, who is Danarius?" Hawke felt as if she missed something important.

Fenris paused. "He... he is a magister of the Tevinter Imperium. He's looking to reclaim lost property, namely myself. He's the one who gave me these markings, stripped away my very being."

"What exactly are the markings?" She asked quietly, hoping not to offend him.

His eyes grew dark. "Lyrium. Engraved in my flesh by some ritual I no not of."

Hawke had always been a flirt, at least according ot her sister. So, when presented with an opportunity, she took it.  "Seems like the waste of a perfectly handsome elf."

Fenris laughed lightly. "You say what's on your mind, don't you?" Standing up, he helped Hawke to her feet. "Are you ready? We have to get moving."

Something clicked in Hawke's mind. Reaching into the pouch on her belt, she pulled out an amulet. "I actually have something to take care of out here, if that's alright? I need to get this to the Dalish Keeper."

"Their camp is about an hour north of here from what I can tell. I suppose we had best pick up supplies too." Fenris strapped his sword on to his back. 

"Wait, where is Hunter?" Hawke suddenly realized her dog was not with them. 

Fenris looked confused. "I'm going to assume you mean the dog. He ran towards Lowtown after he distracted the slavers."

"My sister is probably worried sick," Hawke put her head in her hands. "I told her I'd be back soon. Maybe I shoud have let her come. Her magic might have been useful."

"Your sister is a mage?" Fenris's tone surprised her. He had been nothing but polite, only being bitter while speaking of his former master. 

"Yes, and why should that matter to you?" Hawke matched his tone.

He scowled. "Magic is what did this to me. Everything magic touches, it ruins."

"My sister has never harmed anyone. I know magic is dangerous, but not every mage deserves to be treated as if they will snap at any moment. Now, if you are done, we have to get moving don't we?" Hawke grabber her daggers and set out.

Fenris stalked quietly after her, brooding.

This was going to be a long, silent trip.

To Meet Before Fate (F!HawkexFenris)Where stories live. Discover now