Chapter 17

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When we got in the car I looked at the radio and then I remembered I could another power. I consitrated and the station changes yes it worked. 

"Rebekah don't touch my radio" 

"I didn't you did" 

Rebekah looked at me I nodded and winked. I did it again  

"Don't touch my radio" 

"But Elijah I didn't touch it" 

"What do you mean Blair" 

"Powers duh gosh Elijah I thought you we're the smart one" 

"I am the smart one" 

I rolled my eyes and left it at that. We finally got back and I was exashted but I didn't let anyone know. 

"Alright so how do I tell them about my powers" 

"I don't know maybe show them somehow" 

They went to get my bags but then I thought of something I could use my powers.  

"Hey guys I can get them" 

I looked at them a they began to levitate. I smiled thinking this might be easier than I thought before. We began walking inside and Klaus looked at the floating bags 

"Alright what's going on" 

"I found out some of my my powers" 

"Well that's wonderful but does it tire you out" 

"Yes but I think it will only be for the time being" 

"Ok what other powers have you discovered and witch blood line do they belong to" 

"I can pin people against the wall and take any oxygen in there body; demonic, levitation; angelic, element minipulation; demonic, telepathy; mix of both that's all I can think of right now" 

"Ok well you go rest and tell Rebekah what you need for your room" 

"Kay Bekah, first off black and red paint, same colors in sheets, blankets, and pillows, black white and red rugs, posters like Nirvana, ACDC, Evanescence, Paramore things like that, and you can figure out the rest as long as it looks good" 

"Alright but can't it be pink and purple" 

"No and if you so get things in pink and purple you won't get to help me get dressed for school" 

"Alright fine you win this round" 

"This is the only round "  

"Ugh fine" 

I grinned in victory, now I have to walk all the way upstairs  

"Heyyyy Kol can you pwease carry me upstairs" 


This calls for dirastic measures, I did the famous puppy dog face 

"Pweety pwease Koly" 

He was trying not to look at me, then he wavered and looked  

"Fine as long as you stop that" 


I held my arms our, he picked me up bridle style and began walking upstairs.  

"You are so annoying you know that right" 

"Aw c'mon Koly you know you love me" 

"Ya I do but your still annoying" 

We finally made it up to his room and he tried to set me down but I hung on to his neck. 

"Blair let go" 

"No stay please I'm scared of what's coming don't go" 

"Fine but just until you go to sleep" 

"Okay thanks Kol"

Love me or love me not  (Kol MikaelsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat