Chapter 2- Where am I?

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The first thing I felt was pain. The prickling, pins-and-needles kind, not the agony-filled hot flashes that usually follow broken bones. My wrist must have healed while I was asleep, I thought as I snuggled deeper into the bed.

Wait a-

My eyes shot open as I sat straight up, only to feel the sharp agony filled pain, generating from . . . well, all over. I doubled over, trying to ease the aching in my chest. I tried to breathe, only to hear a hoarse croaking. No air was coming through. I-I can't breathe! Kaze? Kaze! Where are you?!

The door fly open in the midst of my panic attack, and a set of footsteps hurried towards me. A hand was on my back, gently rubbing circles into my back.

"Sshhh. Brea-breathe, just relax and take a deep breath, hun," a soothing voice said," Don't panic, just relax and follow me," the voice's owner exaggerated breathing in and out. I followed that person's breathing and felt my heart stopped pounding, allowing me to breathe normally again. The hand stopped rubbing circles, but stayed on my back. I opened my eyes ( when did I close them?) and looked at my savior. 

She was surprisingly young, too young to be the pack doctor, so she was either a very nosy and naive wolf, or the doctor's apprentice. She had fiery red hair and kind amber eyes- the same kind as the Alpha's. I squirmed away from her, forgetting my unhealed injures. 

"H-hey! Calm down, or you'll end up re-injuring yourself!" she scolded. She sounded like a mother. Even without her Alpha command, I bowed my head to her.

"I-I am v-ver-ry  sor-rry! I-I-I-I for-r-rgot-t my p-plac-ce-e!" I whimpered. She raised her hand from my back and I flinched away, thinking she was going to hit be for my insolence. Instead, she put it on top of my head and petted my hair. 

"Shhh, it's ok. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. Don't worry, I won't hurt you," she soothed. I flinched, but didn't dare move. "Don't worry darling, you're in a safe place now. The big, bad alpha won't dare to hurt you while I'm around."

"Yeah right, sis," we both snapped over to the door. The copper haired man from earlier stood there, his broad stature filling the door frame. His long strides were silent as he stalked forward, stopping just behind his sister. "Just because she's here and under her protection doesn't mean that I won't interrogate her. It just means that she's not going into the pack cells."

"You're damn right she's not going to those cells. Not on my watch." The red haired girl snapped.

"Not now," was all he said to her. He turned towards me. "What are you doing on our land?" I didn't say anything. "Hey. When I'm talking to you, I expect an answer." His sister opened her mouth, but shut it with a stern glare.

"Your land?" My voice was soft and crinkled like old parchment paper. "I did not know that I had crossed on to another pack's territory. My apologies. May I ask who's territory I am on?" The siblings' eyebrows shot up, not used to hearing such a formal and polite rouge before. 

"The Shadow Wraith Pack." 

My stomach dropped to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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