caros ftw

680 122 26

Dudes this ship is my life.

Also. Two things. Three things actually.

1. Casey looks very sleep deprived in this so I had to make it work but whatever. I'm aware he's still not very "guy-ish" but I tried. I had to make him look tired so. Also his shirt says "alatum" which means winged in Latin.

2. 3% of my readers are male and I never see many comments/votes that appear from male ppl but idk so if you're a dude, comment cause I'm curious if Wattpad is just lying to me.

3. Thank you for the 50k reads on my poetry book! That's awesome!! If you like awful sentimental and paradox-inducing poetry, check that crap out. :)

Good night/morning!

Sketches and Sterf 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang