Brittany's pov

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I wake up to Emma's annoying alarm clock. Back in 5th grade we always planned living together I can't believe it happened w/o us planning anything. I turn off her alarm. Emma looks so peaceful i didn't wake her up. I go down to the food court. I try to spot Sasha or Keo. I look around quickly then I lock eyes with that cute boy again. My face started burning up. He was with another guy and girl. We made eye contact for a long time then Keo appears in front of my face.
"You scared me" I said startled.
"You were staring at Paul?"
"Is he singl- I mean."
Keo cut me off with his loud laughter
"You don't like him?"
"No I love that dude. Just that no one has ever liked him"
"Really so he is single?"
"Of course. Also rumors have it. He likes you."
"WHAT?!?" Everyone looked at me.
"Who did you hear it from?"
"Is she a close friend?"
"Yea I'd say she's his best friend's girlfriend"
My heart started pounding does he really like me? Is this a dream? First I find my best friend then possibly my boyfriend.
"Hello?" Keo says cutting me off my thoughts
"Oh sorry yea what's up?"
"I was suggesting you go talk to him" he pushes me in Paul's direction. I look back at Keo nervously. He motions for me to go over to him.
I see Alan and Jenna walking away so now  is the perfect chance
He looks over to me surprised
"Hi" he said with a big smile
"I heard the rumors"
"Oh you did"
"Yea. Don't be embarrassed. I... Like you too"
He looked up at me with a big smile
"Britt" I hear Emma calling
"Bye Paul talk to you later"
I walk over to Emma
"Sasha kissed me!"
"What?!? Congratulations!"
" I know I soooo think we're dating"
"So happy for you" I pull her into a hug
"Who were you talking to?"
"Huh? Oh. That was Paul"
She smirked at me.
"Anyways how'd the kiss go?"

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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