Emma's pov

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Today is the first day of college. I'm excited for the cute boys of course. I'm a little worried I won't know any one here all my friends went off to other colleges. This is the only one I made in. Don't judge okay. I went to my assigned dorm room I'm a little nervous. I reached for my key
I turn around quickly only to see the cutest boy their.
"I'm Sasha"
He is holding out his hand. I must be blushing badly I reach for his hand.
"I'm Emma"
"If you need any help around here I'd be glad to help you"
"Thank you, Sasha" I say turning back to my door.
I sigh. I should have asked for his number. Too soon? I open the door expecting it to look rubbish. It was quite nice anyways. Not to big not to small. I expected to see someone no one was here yet. I put down my bags. I open my wallet so I can go get some food then an old photo falls out. A picture of my old friend Brittany. I've missed her so badly ever since I moved. I hang it up on my "claimed" side of the room.

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