Esha. Emma's pov

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When I wold up Britt wasn't their so I thought I'd call over Keo and Sasha. Only Sasha came over Keo was in the breakfast court. So it was only me and Sasha their was no awkward silence we talked on and on. We have a lot in common. We both took ballroom dance classes. He suggested we dance together one day. I really would love that. He's really cute. Then he moved over closer to me. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. And by the way did I mention I love his Australian accent? But then he looked into my eyes. He leaned in closing his eyes. Does he want to kiss me? I close my eyes and leaned in forward. As our lips touched. Thoughts flew through my head. 
Did I brush my teeth?
Am I a bad kisser?
Then it was done. So many thoughts in my head I didn't even focus on the kiss. I lean in again and then we kiss again. Then startled by the clapping I see Keo clapping in the door way
"Really?" Sasha said embarrassed
"Hey! I didn't know you guys would kiss with an open door"
I rolled my eyes. Sasha hugged me goodbye then him and Keo went to their dorm. Sasha was a good kisser. Now it's official. I have a boyfriend.

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