Chapter 1 - Hogwarts Express

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"Albus! Albus, get down here now we're going to be late."

Albus heard his mother's voice shouting up the stairs, however he decided to ignore it for just a few moments longer as he sat on his bed with William, his three year old charcoal black Scottish fold cat. Albus couldn't face it, not now, it had come too soon. He supposed he was the only wizarding families boy who was not excited to go too Hogwarts! He stared up at the stars on his ceiling reminiscing about the day he and Lily had painted the nights sky onto it. He wished he didn't have to go, he wished he could stay in this house with Lily forever. He could hear Lily crying downstairs, she wanted to go with them, of course she did. The reality of it hadn't hit her yet, she didn't know what going to Hogwarts meant, she didn't know how hard it was going to be!

"Oy! Shorty!"

Albus jumped, he hadn't noticed his brother standing in the doorway. James ran his hand through his messy dark hair. "Come on kid, we're gonna be late." There it was again 'kid' Albus hated it when James called him that, he didn't care if he meant it 'lovingly' or any of that crap, it just made him feel inferior. James had entered the room now and picked up William's travel cage, ready to usher the cat into it.

"I can do that!" Albus snapped.

"Well hurry up then, Mums gonna pop her cauldron in a minute. You do realise it's 10:30 right? The train leaves at 11:00! Now get a move on" James retaliated, clearly used to Albus' short tone with him. He then turned on his heel and walked out of the room taking Albus' trunk with him before the boy could argue.

Albus sat up, looking around his room for anything he may have forgotten. Coming to the conclusion that he hadn't he then proceeded to use cat treats to try and bribe William into his cage.

Albus slouched his way down stairs with William rocking in his cage beside him. He had barely reached the bottom of the stairs when his father grabbed the cat out of his hand. They didn't trust him with anything, he thought, not even his own cat.

"Albus hurry up, grab your father's arm!" His mother hissed. They were all obviously angry with him, he didn't see why, they were the ones forcing him to go to this school, they were the forcing him to stay with his brother in the same common room as him for a year! Why we're they angry? If anyone was to be angry surely it should be him. However he bit his tongue and begrudgingly held onto his dad's arm. He felt the familiar strangling sensation of being forced through the thin pipe and then found himself in an alley way behind kings cross station.
He aloud his father to drag him through the large crowds of people throughout the station barely paying attention until he found himself on the other side of the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters. James had already disappeared into the crowd of people, probably looking for his friends, in all honesty Albus was glad he'd ran off, there was only so much teasing a boy could take, expect on a day like this.

Suddenly it all became very real, he wasn't just here to drop off James,this was it, it was his turn now. And as much as his family annoyed him he would miss them every day, especially Lily. In a moment of final desperation he turned to his mother.

"You will write won't you?" He asked.

"Every day, if you want us too," his mother answered a small smile creeping onto her face.

"Not every day," Albus said quickly. "James says most people only get letters from home about once a month."

"We wrote to James about three times a week last year," his father put in, "and you don't want to believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts, he may be smart, but he likes a laugh, your brother."

"Where are they?" Lily asked, it seemed she had finally gotten over her tantrum from earlier, Albus loved his sister he really did, but sometimes he really wished she would shut up.

"Don't worry Lily I'm sure we'll find them" Ginny answered.

How could you not? Albus thought you could light up a whole town with their hair.

"I think that's them, Lil" Ginny said. And sure enough a group of four people emerged from the fog created by the train, standing alongside the very last carriage. Their faces only came into focus when when the families were stood only a metre apart. Lily ran straight over to Hugo, who was sat balancing on top of the trunks resting on their trolley, Albus however remained staring at the ground.

"Oh look who it is over there" Ron said "so that's little Scorpius," he added under his breath. " Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains."

Albus heard aunt Hermione say something about not starting feuds before they'd even started the year, but he lost the rest as he became immediately distracted by the bright white hair this boy,Scorpius, had. It was extraordinary, this boy was extraordinary! But no, he couldn't think like that! After everything that was happening today he didn't need his abnormality to pile onto it all.

As he saw James emerging from the smoke he decided now would be as good a time as any to get on board the train, he grabbed William out of his father's hand, was forced into a hug by his mother and then quickly left just as James said something about seeing Teddy.

Albus walked down the train looking for an empty compartment, it was still quite early so he found on rather easily. He walked in, closed the door behind him sat down next to a window then let William out so that he could sit on his lap. He then passed the time by watching the families out of the window he could just see his own at the edge of the platform, it seemed Lily had resorted to crying again. He was just watching an rather stout woman trying to force her teenaged son into a hug, when there was a noise behind him. He turned and saw the blonde boy, Scorpius, stood at the door, he felt a flutter in his stomach and was then emiadatley annoyed, maybe if he befriended this boy then he would get used to him and these, abnormal, feelings would at one thought angrily. He gestured for Scorpius to come in.

"Hello, um, I was just wondering if you minded me joining you, you see everywhere else is either full or has many older years in it" Scorpius asked timidly. He seemed so shy ans passive, Albus wondered why uncle Ron didn't like him.

"Of course, take a seat!" Albus said gesturing to the seat opposite him. Scorpius Sat down, and then an awkward silence proceeded them. "My name's Albus" he said trying to break the ice.

"I'm Scorpius." Scorpius said, running his hand through his smooth hair. Albus noticed he looked especially cute when he did that, then got immediately angry, and resumed looking out the window.

"Oy! Shorty!" James was stood at the door now, Albus turned to look at him, "mum wanted me to tell you that if you need anything this year then come talk to me, or something along those lines, but I just want to add that if you come anywhere near me when my friends are around, then I will have to kill you." Albus just nodded and returned to looking out the window. "I'm gonna go to a different carriage now, all your stuff is in the storage bit at the back of the train, so you will have to go get it when you wanna change, well, I hopefully won't see you again till the sorting ceremony, oh and just remember if you're in slytherin, we will disown you." And with that, he gave Scorpius a weird look and left.

"Wow, no offence to your family or anything, but your brother seems like an ass" Scorpius remarked, breaking the icy silence that James had left them in. Albus looked up smiling, finally someone saw things from his perspective, no more, oh look James did really well in his mid year tests, look Albus, no more, James made onto the quidditch team in his second year, look Albus. No, Albus had finally found someone who understood and for the first time that day, the year ahead of him didn't look so bad.

As the train departed from the station the two boys talked without any more deadly silences, pausing only now and then to stuff their faces full of sweets.

It seemed this would be a friendship that lasted.

Hi guys, as it says in the description this is my first fan fiction, so any feedback at all would be amazing. Also thank you for reading. I would also like to add that I wrote this at 1:30 in the morning so if it may not be as good as I think it is right now because my mind tends to wander the later it gets.
-- Tash xxx

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