Perfect little Angel

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The perfect little Angel
  I once was a perfect little Angel but you have tainted my mind and body with your words and actions why would you tant this little Angel ruin her life and forever scar mmmmeeeeeeee the  perfect little Angel is gone and shall never return the dark side has taken over all the goodness and kindness and the pretty little Angel is gone all thats left is the darkness the emptiness the loneliness you've left me broken but I wont let you hurt me anymore but you left me as a broken dark little Angel that wont ever change but you will never hurt me again I promise you.  I WIll never be hurt again I WILL not take your words anymore I WILL not accept your actions anymore I AM A BROKEN ANGEL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! I am not a captive of your words anymore I am not a captive of your actions anymore I will not be the same but I will not take what you give me anymore I AM A DARK ANGEL I AM BROKEN INSIDE BUT I WILL NOT SHOW IT ON THE OUTSIDE YOU WILL NOT SEE MY WEAKNESSES

this is really cool I had to share shay XD so don't kill me..

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