Chapter 4: Finding out

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The next morning, while Regina and Zelena were enjoying their usual breakfast of apple pancakes, Lillian decided she'd go look around her auntie's office.

She ran down the stairs when she found something peculiar.

"Auntie Zena!!!" She shouted as she ran down the stairs.

"Yes?" Zelena asked, her mouth full, and I mean FULL, of apple pancakes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lillian asked when she got into the room, panting.

"Tell you what?" Regina asked.

"That you had a baby!"

Regina's eyes widened and Zelena did a spit take with her coffee.

"What makes you say that?" Zelena asked when she had recovered.

Lillian held up a picture of a very pregnant Zelena up. "This is what makes me think that."

"Oh my God, I told you we should've burned that!" Zelena sighed.

Regina glared at her. "Well why didn't you?" She asked. Zelena simply shrugged.

Lillian waved her arms. "Who's the kid?" She asked.

"Well..." Zelena started but Regina held her hand up.

"It was you. Zelena is your mum." She said sadly.

Lillian's eyes widened. "Really? Oh my gosh that's so cool! My mum is my aunt and my aunt is my mum!" She shouted.

"You're okay with that?" Regina asked.

"Yeah, that just means I have two mum's." Lily said, smiling.

"So you really don't mind?" Zelena asked.

"Nope. Pancake me!" Lillian shouted.

Regina handed her a plate with two pancakes and Zelena passed the syrup to her.

They were both so shocked. They didn't understand how she could be okay with it all.

Then there was a loud ring if the doorbell.

"I've got it!" Lillian sprung up and ran to the front door and swing it open. "Hey Pete-" she started.

But it wasn't Peter.

"Oh... I'm sorry... Who are you?" She asked the man at the door.

"I'm Robin. Robin Hood. Who are you?" That's when Regina ran into the room.

"Robin! Shall we go to Granny's? Lils, clean up the dishes please!" She said.

"Why me?" Lillian asked as she walked into the kitchen and waved her hand. All the dirty dishes floated to the sink to clean themselves.

She walked up to Zelena.

"So who's Robin?" She asked.

"That was who was at the door? Ugh." Zelena replied.

"What's so bad about him?" Lily pressed.

Zelena shrugged.

"You should get changed for your date with Peter Pan." She said with a smirk.

"Sure thing, mum." She said mockingly.

"Go!" Zelena said taking the paper and shooing her away.

Lillian's laughter could be heard all through the house as she ran up the stairs.

Zelena shook her head with a smile.
How was it, lovelies?
I hope it was good!
[Also yay me for another chapter in the same day!!!]

Until next time,
#Dumbleburn Out🔥

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