First Revelation: The Phantom Thief

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"Welcome home, Kaito Kid the second." Chikage gracefully shouted from the kitchen as Kaito entered the house.

Kaito removed his shoes, placed it in the shoe compartment and put on his slippers which was neatly lined up beside the shoe compartment.

Since he heard someone cooking in the kitchen, he went straight to the kitchen and found Chikage cooking for their lunch.

"So Phantom Lady broke in in the mansion of The Magician under the Moonlight." Kaito coldly said when he made it to the kitchen.

Chikage pouted, "Geez. What's with that cold attitude of yours that you have there? Don't let the snow get into your head." She said as she put another shrimp in the hot cooking oil, inside the frying fan.

"You don't need to break in, Mom. You know where the keys are." Kaito said as he grimaced, crossing his arms.

"That's what we are good at." Chikage replied with a charming smile as she turned her head to see Kaito leaning on the frame of the door and winked to him.

"Us." Kaito corrected, "Dad, as the original Kaito Kid, and I, as the second generation Kaito Kid. You are no longer a thief." Kaito said while making his way to the table, in the center of the kitchen, pulled a chair and sat, placing his two hands on the table.

"Former." Chikage said as she turned the stove off, removed the fried shrimps from the frying fan and placed it on a white round plate.

"And what brings a former thief here?" Kaito asked, watching Chikage placed some rice on a white round plate, larger than the one she used to put the fried shrimps.

"Oh, as for that," Chikage paused as she got the plate of rice and fried shrimps and went to the table where Kaito was sitting, "I just wanted to spend my Christmas with my son in overseas." She continued as she placed the plate of rice and fried shrimps in the center of the table, removed her apron and hung it on the metal hook beside the sink.

Being annoyed on Chikage's answer, Kaito Leaned forward on the table with a hand tucked under his chin, "Did I already said this a hundred times, Mom? I'm not leaving Japan until I figure out who made Dad's death look like an accident."

"You know that I'm against with the idea of making yourself a bait to lure those dangerous people out." Chikage responded while reaching 2 chopsticks and 2 plates from the cupboard beside the fridge and passed a plate and a chopstick to Kaito as she sat in front of him.

"That's why I don't want you to be here because you'll get in the way." Kaito stated while placing some fried shrimps on his plate.

"I'm in the way?" Chikage replied as she raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, leaning her back against the chair, "Touichi, in heaven, surely will never forgive me if you're in trouble."

"No worries, Mom." Kaito said, giving Chikage a cold look, "I'll tell Dad that it's my decision and my choice and you have nothing to do with this." After saying this, he started eating the fried shrimps that he put on his plate.

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