Wicked Baby

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Chapter Two

Wicked Baby

(Playlist – Wicked Baby by Simon Curtis )

I apologize for the long wait. It has been go go go go. I wish I could have updated so much quicker. At least for the holidays, I should be able to update the way I wish. I hope that for now, at least, I can keep up a good pace for everyone. Thank you all!!

I awoke on my floor only because I could hear dumbass one and dumbass two acting like kindergartners in the room next door. I picked up the closest thing to me, a heel, and threw it at the wall. "SHUTUP!" Damn, my heel stuck in the wall. Regardless I heard the idiots stop. So I picked myself up off the floor and went to remove my shoe. "Damn, my favorite Christian Louboutin's too.

I had received the pair of Troubida 120 leather sandal heels on my trip to Milan a couple summer's ago. They were a gift from Rocky. I shook my head and erased that thought from my head. Using a shirt from my dirty clothes, I quickly wiped the drywall dust from the heel, and quickly placed it next to its mate.

"Hey, Jade. Were we bothering you?" I heard Rocky's voice. Both Jay and Rocky were standing in my doorway.

Whipping around, I scowled at him. "What the fuck do you want? And quit breaking into my room!"

"Aw come on, Jade. You never minded before." Jay elbowed Rocky in the stomach, and I smirked. Served him right.

Rocky grabbed for his stomach. "Dude that hurt. What was that for?" All he received was a look from my brother telling him to back off.

I stood there with my hand on my hip waiting. "Do I need to push you guys out, or send invitations back to your room, Jay? Move it." It took me a few shoves, and I knew they thought I was playing, but they were soon out of my room.

Standing out in the hallway, I heard Rocky asking my brother, "Why is she acting so nice right now?" Me? Nice? I need to step up my game. Thing is there was a point in my life when I was nice. Well, nicer. I wasn't going to dwell on that shit right now though.

I walked back into my room and once more locked the door, not that it did any good. I stripped off the clothes I was wearing and went to the shower that connected mine and Jay's rooms, making sure to lock the access from his room. I turned the knobs for the shower on, and stepped in. The hot water pouring over me felt incredible. I grabbed the loofah and placed a bit of the green tea-mint liquid soap I loved on it, and began washing. I started at my neck and worked my way down my body, being meticulous in my more sensitive areas. It had been one hell of a party last night... what I could remember of it. I needed to wash the stench off of me, again. I washed and rinsed my hair. It was soothing and made me forget about the things I did. Made me forget the things people made me do. The things I wanted to do to others. If only just for a little while.

I quickly finished up and got my clothes out for school tomorrow. I picked out a leather mini-skirt, and a red silk one-shouldered top. I decided I would wear the pair of Christian Louboutins. They would make this outfit look even more fabulous than it already was. Who was I to deny the world of my fuck-me legs?

I hope Jay had finished up cleaning, because I wasn't doing it. Hell, I didn't even know if mom or our step-dad were going to be home any time soon. We hadn't seen them in weeks. Every once in a while we would get a phone call from wherever in the world they were, and they would deposit some money.

Who the fuck cared. I needed sleep. I had a job to do tomorrow, starting with a little shit named Sang. I turned out my light and climbed under the covers.

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