Chapter 19 - Video Game

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MIKAN- natsume why did hotaru told you that

NATSUME- because she was worried of you,now lets go back

MIKAN- but why did she send you and not sensei

NATSUME- she told me and ruka but ruka didn't want to come so she let him stay and I didnt want to come to

MIKAN- sorry everyone but I need to go

KASHINO- its okay mikan

HANABUSA- dont worry mikan I will find you later and we can start our things

ANDOU- hanabusa-kun stop saying that she is noot yours

MIKAN- hey natsume did you came walking

NATSUME- no in hotaru invention car

MIKAN- oh okay

MIKAN- hey you guys are you going tomorrow to school

KASHINO- no why

MIKAN- can you spend the night with me

ANDOU- I would like to

HANABUSA- me too

KASHINO- okay me too

MIAKN- thank you so can you come today and sleepover


MIKAN- natsume can we go

NATSUME- but didnt it suppose to be a day with the gay teacher

MIKAN- I know but this is my friends

NATSUME- you say that you di-(cut off by mikan)

MIKAN- Its a secret so I cant tell you okay(whisper to his ear)

NATSUME- OKAY lets go now I have something to do

MIKAN- everyone lets go



MIKAN- we are here

NARUMI- hey mikan brought them here

HOTARU- baka why didnt you told me

MIKAN- I thought that natsume was going to tell you

NATSUME- idiot when did I told you that I was going to tell hotaru about them coming

MIKAN- oh.......anyways thank you for picking us up(smile)

NATSUME- hn(he blushed but he look the other way and hotaru notice the blush)

NARUMI- mikan I got something for you and you will like it

MIKAN- what is it

NARUMI- is on the living room

MIKAN- okay lets go

HOTARU- she an idiot so dont think to be her boyfriend because the only people who can handle her is me and that idiot 2 over there (glared at him)

NATSUME-(glared at her)(but happy that she told them )

KASHINO- what do you mean

HOTARU- baka ,anyways lets go

HANABUSA- I get you what you meant

ANDOU- how did he get what she said

KASHINO- idk but was she was talking to me

ANDOU- no she was talking to the three of us



MIKAN- sensei this was for me

NARUMI- is that you where going to be alone so I thought that you should have something to play but I know that you dont have time because

MIKAN- okay sensei but I will try okay

HOTARU- idiot why did you buy her videos games for her

NARUMI- she likes to play

MIKAN- hotaru I like to play video games

NATSUME- you bought boys games

NARUMI- mikan choose them

MIKAN- I like them because I use to play with my brother

KASHINO- hey mikan we play on it

MIKAN- yeah


KASHINO- why did you choose boys games

MIKAN- I like to play soccer

HANABUSA- so that means that your a soccer player

MIKAN- once I was but then I needed to go to alice academy

ANDOU- you really like soccer right

MIKAN- yeah I really like soccer

KASHINO- you sound like a boy than a girl

MIKAN- yeah when I was more little they always say that I am boy but my brother always tell them that I can beat them because I was really good

KASHINO- did you win them

MIKAN- yeah I won everyone that say I was boy

MIKAN- soccer was my life and my brother to but then when everything change I couldnt play soccer anymore


HOTARU- sensei did you know that she like soccer

NARUMI- yeah I did

NATSUME- is she really good at soccer

NARUMI- yeah one time when I was outside the school I saw her playing soccer and she was beating 3 boys and it was only her and her brother

RUKA- I was bad at soccer but natsume was good right

NATSUME- yeah everything change when this guy came(glared at him)

NARUMI- sorry but now you have your chance


MIKAN- lets go to sleep I am super tired


MIKAN- sensei come sleep with me!

NARUMI- okay mikan byr you guys and sleep well


HOTARU-)glared at him)

NARUMI- what did I did to you



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