Chapter 12 - The Truth

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MIKAN- Aki, wake up your having a bad dream!

AKITO- No, I just had a flashback about something...

MIKAN- Okay, lets go I'm super hungry.

AKITO - Okay.


AKITO- Good morning everyone.

HOTARU- Good morning Akito, where is mikan?

AKITO - She's coming.


MIKAN- (huh someone is touching me)

NATSUME- Don't scream.

MIKAN- What do you want?

NATSUME- I remember you, you were crying.

MIKAN- What are you talking about? Anyways I need to leave.

(mikan left and natsume just stand there)

MIKAN- I am here ,I want food

HOTARU- here it is food

MIKAN- thank you hotaru

NATSUME- good morning everyone

RUKA- hey natsume where are my new shirt that I bought but you didnt gave it back

NATSUME- oh I will gave it to you later

MIKAN- aki what dream where you having last night

AKITO- I dont know if I tell you

MIKAN- tell me aki

AKITO- is that if I tell you.......ummm....

MIKAN- is something that I can't know about

AKITO- you can know about it but it will kill you when you hear it and the other person.

MIKAN- tell me aki


AKITO- mikan where are you

MIKAN- I am over here

AKITO- found you now let's find natsu

MIKAN- Okay,natsume where are you

AKITO- found you natsu

MIKAN- natsume I thought you where over here

NATSUME- I wouldn't be on the same place if they already found me

AKITO- okay I would be back ,I would get some snacks

MIKAN- okay aki



AKITO- is that when I left Natsume was doing something else while you where going to get a shining rock for me but then a car came and it hit you.Natsume came running crying and he told us that you where hit by a car so I panicked and I lost some of my memory because I was so frighten if you where killed by a car and.I promise our parents that I will protect you no matter what.

MIKAN- aki what happened when I got out of the hospital

AKITO - then you went to find me because I left for a reason .


AKITO- then I found you in the streets and I told you watch are you doing

AKITO- we went to leave with our aunt and that all

MIKAN- so I know natsume for a long time.

NATSUME- I didn't notice you because you had a disguise

AKITO- yes and MIKAN and me are not twins

MIKAN- akito is the older one and I am.the little.sister

AKITO- the only reason.why I told my aunt to put us in the same class was for me to protect mikan

HOTARU- oh I get it

AKITO- don't say anything please this a secret





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