chapter 1

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i am an amateur, I know. But hopefully, if you give me enough critizism, I can make this story worth it


"You know, you don't always have to tell on me!" screamed Jayden to Joi.

"You know, you don't always have to yell at me!" cried the ten year old  Joi to Jayden.

"Joi, you are so, just ugh. I can't stand you! Can't you just stop talking to me?" Jayden said as he stomped up his steps, closing his front door with a lound slam. 

They fought a lot. That basically sums it all up. They yell, scream, blame, punch, kick, and so much more. Me, Jayden, and Joi are all best friends. You can say that Jayden and Joi have that relationship in which they fight so much, but then in the end, they are back to best friends.

It's pretty annoying, but I still love them. The thing is, they just go on and on like there is no end. I wish we could all be happy friends, but I guess that is too much to ask. 

I went into my house which is on the right of Jayden's, Joi's is on the left of his. Joi followed me into my house and sat on the living room couch. She was bawling her eyes out. I didn't know why, because they normally fought like this.

"Why are you crying, Joi? This ALWAYS happens!" I said to her, with confusion readable all over my face. 

"Why wouldn't I? He can't stand me and he doesn't want me talking to him!" She said, choking each word out with pain. 

"You guys always make up! What is so different about this fight than your others?!" I said, still confused.

"He's one of my two best friends. You know I am not the social butterfly, Anna. I don't wanna lose him. If he says he's my best friend, why doesn't  he stick with me!" She said so sadly.

"I know you want us all to stay friends, but you know that you two are gonna make up!" I said, using as wise as possible words that could come out of a ten year-old's mouth.

"Its not just that. I likie Jayden, Anna. He just makes me feel all weird everytime I am around him and I just think about him all the time and I never ever ever want to lose him." She said, getting up and heading towards the door.

I couldn't say anything. Joi likes one of our trio. She is not one to like a guy for looks. She has never called a guy someone she likes. I was speechless.

She paused at the door, as if waiting for me to say something, which I didn't. Then, she opened the door, walked out, and slammed it shut behind her. 

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2 YEARS LATER'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"

"Jayden! Stopp! That hurts!" I yelled as the twelve year old me was laying on my back. He had me on the ground in the grass and he was tickling me. I am very ticklish, to the point where it hurts. 

 "NO! You hacked my phone!" yelled Jayden as he tickled even harder, digging his fingernails into my stomach.

It was so painful, yet I was laughing so hard. I could tell that my face was like a tomato from all the breaths I have been trying to take. I was rolling my head when I saw Joi sitting on the porch, just staring at us. She had this look of envy on her face. I was about to say something when he started using his other hand to tickle the area right by my neck and shoulder, my weak spot. I felt my body start going crazy when I couldn' stop laughing.

JAYDEN P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Jayden! Stopp! That hurts!" Anna yelled as I had her on her back and was tickling her stomach. 

"NO! You hacked my phone!" I yelled. Then I started tickling as hard as I could. 

She looked like she was in so much pain, I wanted to stop. But I just couldn't for two reasons. One, I never wanted to stop touching her. Two, she definitely deserves it. The reason for number one is because I kinda have a thing for Anna Jane Jameson. She has big, blue eyes that can stop anyone dead in their tracks. She has wavy blonde hair that runs down her back. She is nice, awesome, and definitely athletic.

I remember that one time at her soccer game, I was standing on the sidelines. I was cheering for her so loud, even though she didn't have the ball...yet. The game was tied, 3-3 and her team had the ball. All of a sudden, one of her fellow mid-fielders passed her the balled. She stopped the ball and starting dribbling it and running as fast as she could. Once she got to an open spot, she looked at me and winked. I felt sudden butterflies, but I shook them off. She leaned back and moved her leg back. She kicked the ball with such force, I gasped. The ball sailed right over the goalie's head and hit the back part of the net. Anna's team had won. 

Was it because she saw me? I hope so. But that was last year. Let's face it, she's perfect. 

I decided to move my hands to her weak spot, the one that tickles her the most. Right by her neck and shoulder. I tickled her so hard, she started screaming. I looked over my shoulder and saw Joi. I wondered how long she had been there. I immediately stopped tickling Anna and mentally regretted it. I got up, and walked away fast. Anna was just laying there on grass, looking relieved. Joi was just watching me go by.

Those are my best friends for ya. 

The problem is, Joi and I fight sooo much. I just can't help but yell at her. She always looks torn when I yell at her...

Lot's of guys like both Joi and Anna. They like some of them. They wonder why they can't just go out. 

For the past two years I have been warning every guy in middle school that if they flirt, look, touch Anna or Joi in any way. They are going to regret  it. 

I have alot of muscle, so those guys must've considered it, or they wouldn't have stayed away from them.

~~~~~~~~JOI'S P.O.V. ~~~~~~~

Ugh! I just wanna rip Jayden's hot head off of the rest of his body. He was just flirting, I believe, with Anna! He had her PINNED on the ground and TICKLING her...really hard too. Ugh! We are supposed to be best friends, not Let's Leave Joi Out Of Relationships. I mean, they flirted right in front of me too! ANNA DOESN'T EVEN LIKE THE BOY LIKE THAT! I am the one that likes him like that. 

I shouln't be so jealous. They were probably just being the best friends that they are. But, how come when Jayden actually saw me, he quickly got up and walked away. It was almost like I wasn't supposed to see their little flirt session.

I got up, walked turns the door. I glanced back at Anna who was on the ground gasping for air. I rolled my eyed, walked in, and slammed the door.

Am I always going to be the third wheel? Is Anna gonna take Jayden away from my life. They are going to leave me. I might as well have one last fight with Jayden. One with Anna too, our first and last. I am just gonnna leave them alone so they can be all mushy without me. 

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