“You want me to marry a weak pathetic human.” Amelia stands with anger. “I don’t care if I’m the only one who isn’t married. I will not.”

William groans and then explains, “Amelia you do know that if you don’t do this you want have your estate anymore. Everything will be taken away from us and then things will get real shitty on our side.”

Amelia bites her lip thinking. William was right. But why did she have to marry some human. She loved her life.

“It will only work if it’s you. With us all being married the President will think it is fake. Please Amelia thinks about this. Like I said before our lives is in your hands.”

Amelia growls and walks out the room.


3 weeks later

Amelia walked into the room of the President office. She was here because the marriage between a human and vampire was supposed to bring the world peace. Amelia had finally agreed after much talk with the other vampires. It took much persuasion.

“I over read your treaty.” Amelia speaks.

The president sits in his chair and nods his head.

“I completely disagree.”

The President arches his eyebrow and stands walking towards the huge window. He pulls back the curtains. “Look.” The flawless woman looks out the window and sees all the people standing outside the White House.

“They have hope.” The President says. “Hope that this war will end.”

“You talk as if they are my people.” Amelia hisses.

“Yes.” The President nods. “However, your people are counting on you also. They wish for the war to end the same as us.”

Amelia turns not letting the President see her face. He was right. All the vampires were counting on her to stop this bloodshed.

“No one is winning Ms. Chamberlain.” The President says. “Blood is being spilled. If we keep going like this there will be no one left.”

Amelia pushes out her lips and says, “Fine.”

The President grins.

“But I want to write my own treaty also.”

“What do you want?” President Lucas eyebrow arches.

“I want to choose my own human.” Amelia replies. “Whoever I want and other things.”


Amelia laughs. “How are you so sure that this person I choose will want to marry me? A vampire.”

“They will have to just sacrifice.” The President answers. “Let me handle that.”

Amelia grins her perfect white teeth shines. “Give me forty eight hours in your beautiful city Mr. President.”

“Well I have an idea.” The President speaks.

“Do tell Mr. President.”

“What if I tell the media you’re looking for a mate to marry? Maybe your search will be faster.”

“Trying to send me away President Lucas.” Amelia says standing her eyes sparkling.

“No I was only…

“Fine.” Amelia speaks and then heads towards the door with her guards behind her.


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