Chapter 13: Normalcy-Kinda*

Start from the beginning

    Amy was currently working on her hair, that fell over her bosom and past her rounded bottom. (A/N bosom= breasts)

     I smiled. The woman was absolutely gorgeous, Amy was a very skilled sculptor.

    I looked down at my own final project. It was only a sketch so far, a horse running across a sandy beach, the moon rising as the sun sets. I loved it so far, once I added all of the details I would paint it.

    Unlike Amy, I had just started working on my final project, Amy had been working on her's since we  got the assignment... 4 weeks ago. I on the other hand... procrastinated.

      Our final works were due next Friday, which meant I only had a week or two to finish it.

     I sighed, continuing to add details to the horse's face and leg contours.

      Amy was smoothing out the rough edges on her woman, whom she fondly named Izzy.

"So? How was study session with Mr.I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt?" She giggled.

"It was..." I struggled to find the right word. "Interesting."

"Really? What happened?" She asked smoothing back Izzy's hair.

"Well, at first we were writing back and forth on a piece of paper." I handed her the slip of paper we'd been writing on.

She raised an eyebrow. "So? What happened when you stopped writing on the note?" She asked.

"Um... He took the note from me, told me he was going to come to my house and study today, then walked out just as the bell rang." I moved some of my hair out of my face as I continued to sketch the horse's muscular legs.

"Hmm... he sounds pretty annoyed with you... yet he wants to spend time with you... Aha! He really really really likes you but he's frustrated 'cause you're making it really hard!" She popped her head up to give me a smug smile.

I grimaced. "We're just friends." I told her, but I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince, Amy, or myself.

She grumbled. "Yeah right."

"Hey, says the girl in love with her best friend." I grinned.

"That's not fair! He isn't even interested in me!" She yelped. Everyone in the class turned to look at her including Ms.Howell.

"Amy, if you wouldn't mind working on your project quietly, that would be appreciated." She smiled.

"Yes Ms.Howell." Amy growled out, giving me her deadliest look.

After a few seconds everyone went back to working on their projects, the quiet buzz of their voices echoing in the large art room.

"Amy, just... look I'm inviting both of you to Cassi and my dad's wedding, in a few weeks... just ask him to be your date! You'll get to stay like the rest of the guests in the hotel, and you can get with him then." I told her, sketching a face on my moon.

She sighed. "Fine, but only if you invite Adrian." She smirked deviously.

I shook my head with a smile "Of course."

Curves In A Bikini (Completed & Partially Edited)Where stories live. Discover now