CG: i'm off to find the absolute worse in people, maybe what's so bad about them will be enough to kill me.
CG: be very worried.
TA: ha fuckiing ha
TA: go do whatever iit ii2 that requiire2 your iimediiate attentiion.

carcinoGeneticist[CG] ceased trolling twinArmageddons[TA]

Sollux pushed his chair away from the desk and looked up at the ceiling. This whole "becoming friends with a stranger online" thing wasn't going too bad. Maybe it was because this troll was so calm and centered. He seemed to be able to handle Sollux, at the moment that is. 

The psionic troll spent a nice long couple of minutes staring at his thermal hull unit, He was really hungry and he had some left over grub loaf. He sighed and stared intently at the handle of the fridge, electricity crackling besides his eyes. The handle glowed before swinging open and the plate of grub loaf shakily floated over. This was certainly heavier than any soda can he ever carried telekinetically. The plate wobbled violently and Sollux was afraid he'd drop it. Thankfully the plate made it to Sollux's desk.


He forgot to heat it up. Sollux lisped out a couple curse words and angrily picked up his platter before getting an idea. Maybe his psionics could be used as a heating unit as well? Hell, it was worth a shot. So Sollux sat down and his psionics crackled loudly and created a cloud of electricity around the plate of food. Five minutes later he ceased using his powers and poked at this food.

Still stone cold.

Angrily shoving cold grub loaf into his mouth, Sollux was also rapidly typing. He wasn't doing anything really, just brushing up on some coding. He had the beginners ~ATH manual wide open but he barely paid any attention to it. These layouts were so simple it was an insult to Sollux to even look at it. Then again to someone like his new grey text friend it might be difficult. Especially since he seemed so busy all the time and with his over protective lusus on his hands. He'd have to remember to send a couple of these simple codes to CG to gloat about his superior computer skills.

A few minutes went by and Sollux had done nearly the entire book's layout of codes. He was bored yet again. He switched back to Trollian, hoping to see one of his friends online and thankfully a certain jade blood was on.

twinArmageddons[TA] began trolling grimAuxiliatrix[GA]

TA: hey 
TA: are you doiing anythiing iintere2tiing

TA: anythiing at all
GA: I Have Just Finished Conversing With Vriska And Was About To Log Off

GA: If That Counts As Interesting
TA: iit doe2n't.

GA: I Thought So

GA: Now What Is It You Need From Me?

TA: why do you a22ume ii need 2omethiing from you?
GA: Because Everytime We Speak You Need Something From Me.
TA: wow fuck you
TA: ii don't alway2 need 2omethiing from you
TA: maybe ii ju2t want two talk two a friiend of miine

TA: maybe ii genuiinly wanted two 2peak two you but becau2e of that 2tatement ii changed my miind
GA: If That Is The Case Then I Am Sorry
TA: apology accepted 
TA: but not really requiired becau2e ii do kiind of need 2omethiing from you
GA: Then I Take Back My Previous Apology
GA: What Is It You Need?
TA: you 2ee ii have thii2 friiend riight

GA: Okay

TA: he ii2n't the mo2t 
TA: tru2tiing 
TA: or 2ociiable troll out there
TA: ii'm pretty 2ure hii2 only friiend2 are me and TC
TA: ii a2ked hiim earliier iif he'd liike to meet my friiend2 and he 2aiid he'd have two a2k hii2 lu2u2 fiir2t and a2k TC about iit two.

GA: What Exactly Is My Role In All Of This?
TA: ii wa2 gettiing two that

TA: iif he deciide2 two talk two my friiend2 ii wa2 thiinkiing about giiviing hiim your trollhandle fiir2t.

TA: you're ea2y two get along wiith 

TA: maybe iit'll help the dude come out of hii2 2hell.
GA: Alright.
GA: But Might I Ask When You Became So Involved In The Lives Of Others?
GA: I Always Assumed You Didnt Care If One Got Along With One Another.

TA: fuck you

TA: ii can be iinvolved with other people2 liive2 iif ii wanted two.

GA: You Seem Awful Irritated.

TA: ii know
TA: my fuckiing miigraiine2 are comiing back
TA: je2u2 fuck they 2uck a22

GA: I Suggest You Use The Medication I Have Sent You.

GA: Adult Psionics Have Used It For Their Migraines.
TA: ii wiill eventually

TA: ii ju2t have two feed iit two 2omeone el2e fiir2t and make 2ure iit ii2n't goiing two kill me.
GA: My Lusus Is A Mother Grub And My Kind Only Work To Help And Care For Our Race

GA: I Have No Intention To Hurt You.

GA: But I Understand, Our Race Is Prone To Needless Violence.

TA: yeah

TA: well CG just got back onliine 2o ii'm goiing two talk two hiim now
TA: you go back two talkiing two biitche2 and hangiing out iin the 2un or whatever the fuck iit ii2 you do.

GA: I Will.

twinArmageddons[TA] ceased trolling grimAuxiliatrix[GA]

carcinoGeneticist[CG] began trolling twinArmageddons[TA]

CG: guess who's back

TA: holy fuck fiinally
TA: you were gone for liike eiighty periigee2
CG: calm the fuck down
CG: it was like an hour and a half
TA: what the hell were you doiing anyway

CG: something that isn't of importance to you

TA: alriight well fuck you two
CG: we're a bit young for that.
TA: ha ha ha

TA: you're 2o fuckiing funny
TA: hone2tly ii'm crackiing up here ju2t readiing that

TA: that joke wa2 2o fuckiing hiilariiou2 ii have to 2end iit two the empre22
CG: well someone seems extra sarcastic and irritated 

TA: iit'2 nothiing

TA: ii ju2t have the biigge2t miigraiine iin all of alterniia
TA: nothiing my mutated brain can't handle.
CG: mutated?
TA: yeah 
TA: iit's probably nothiing really
TA: my thiinkpan ii2 2o fucked up wiith my p2iioniic2 that ii get horriible miigraiine2 and 2ometiime2 ii thiink ii hear voiice2
TA: liike they're tryiing two warn me about 2ome horriible thiing that'll happen iin the future.
TA: there'2 that and the fact that ii have four horn2

TA: though ii don't thiink that count2 a2 a mutatiion
TA: but really who giive2 a fuck

TA: ii mean iif beiing a "mutant" mean2 haviing iimmen2e knowledge and p2iioniic2 and all that 2hiit
TA: iit ii2n't 2o bad
TA: and ii don't 2ee why the empre22 make2 iit 2uch a biig deal

TA: iit'2 fuckiing 2tupid.
CG: yeah
CG: it is
CG: it's karkat.
TA: what?

CG: my name.
CG: it's karkat.
TA: miine'2 2ollux.
CG: well sollux
CG: i have to go
CG: crabdad is screeching again and i have to go see what's wrong

TA: before you go here'2 the trolltag to a friiend of miine

TA: grimAuxiliatrix
TA: 2he'2 the jade blood obviiou2ly
TA: but 2he'2 pretty cool

TA: 2he get2 along wiith pretty much everyone
TA: you'll liike her

CG: thanks
CG: talk to you later
TA: yeah
TA: later dude.

carcinoGeneticist[CG] ceased pestering twinArmageddons[TA]

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