Chapter 2

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"Am I the only one I know?
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?
Shadows will scream that I'm alone..."


twinArmageddons[TA] began trolling carcinoGeneticist[CG]

TA: hey
TA: you awake yet?
CG: it's the middle of the night of course i'm awake
TA: well iidk man
TA: ii'm u2ually a2leep riight now
TA: that ii2 when ii get the chance two sleep

TA: ii u2ually spend all my tiime codiing or doiing 2ome other poiintle22 2hiit
TA: 2ame thiing wiith my eatiing habits
CG: you know that isn't healthy right?
TA: yeah ii know. AA ha2 triied two break those fucked up habiit2 but nothiing really work2.
TA: 2he'2 a friiend of miine. 2he'2 pretty cool, a maroon blood.
TA: 2he'2 telekiinetiic and can be pretty fuckiing creepy.

CG: interesting.

TA: yep.

TA: her telekiinetiic abiiliitiie2 are a fuck load more advanced that miine.

TA: 2he can do 2hiit ii can't even dream of
TA: ii'd be on her level iif only ii actually practiiced u2iing thiis a2iiniine fuckiing power.
TA: they giive me fuckiing miigraiine2 hone2tly, ii don't 2ee how adult troll2 can handle u2iing them 2o often.

CG: Everything's difficult when you first try it, once you start practicing it'll be easier to use.
TA: GZ never told me you were a motiivatiional 2peaker
CG: of ha fucking ha.
CG: i was trying to be helpful and shit.

TA: for a 2econd there you 2ounded like you were tryiing two pale fliirt wiith me.

CG: fuck no
CG: no offense but no. I just met you.
TA: uh-huh. ii2 iit that you ju2t met me or ii2 it that you and GZ are already moiiraiil2
CG: Not that I wouldn't like to be moirails with him
CG: Sigh
CG: It's a huge cluster fuck of a mess really. 
TA: I get it.
TA: moviing on from that weird topic, ii'd liike two giive you the trollhandle2 of my friiend2.
TA: miight a2 well expand your friiend ciircle whiile ii become your new be2t bro.
CG: oh uh
CG: thanks but no thanks.
CG: well maybe
CG: tell me about them first
TA: well ii already told you about AA. AT ii2 a ru2t blood with telekiinetiic abiiliitiie2 a2 well. AC ii2 an oliive blood who fuckiing love2 meowbea2t2 and RPiing and 2hiip2. 2he'2 an adorable liittle fuck but 2he liiterally kiil2 aniimal2 every fuckiing day 2o ii wouldn't pii22 her off. GA ii2 a jade blood who love2 makiing clothe2 but 2he'2 al2o very dangerou2.
TA: GC ii2 a teal blood 2he'2 iintwo ju2tiice and all that 2hiit and 2he love2 FLARPiing. AG ii2 a huge biitch. that'2 all you need two know about her. CT iis a blueblood and ii2 shame globe2 deep iin hii2 love for the iidiiotiic and confu2iing blood color hiierarchy. He al2o happen2 two be AC'2 moiiraiil and he love2 hoofbea2t2 a2 much a2 2he love2 meowbea2t2.
TA: you already know GZ. CA ii2 a pompou2 a22hole of a 2eadweller. ii 2poke two hiim once and iit wa2 enough two make me wanna walk out2ide and let the drone2 get me. fiinally there'2 CC. 2he'2 al2o a 2eadweller and next iin liine for the throne. an empre22 two be. 2he'2 really fuckiing niice though, want2 two change thii2 entire fucked up 2y2tem. and 2he liike2 two type in fii2h pun2 sometiime2.
TA: that'2 about iit.
CG: holy fuck
CG: you have a lot of friends
CG: and they all sound equally fucked up.
TA: eheheh yep. we're ju2t one group of fucked up troll2.
TA: 2o would you do them the honor and befriiend them only two fiind the ab2olute wor2t about them?
CG: i'd have to run this over crabdad first
CG: and Gamzee.

CG: just safety percautions.
TA: not goiing two que2tiion your paranoiia

CG: good
CG: fuck
CG: i gotta go do a thing
CG: i'll probably be back in like
CG: in hour or two
TA: 2hould ii be worriied
CG: yes extremely worried.

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