Chapter Fifteen~ Boys Like Girls?

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---Felix POV---

Several minutes later, we arrived at the mall and I parked the car at the parking lot.

"Ryan, I'm gonna buy that new mirror okay?" I said as we exited the car.

He nodded his head "K, I'll be at the gaming store"

I smiled and we both walked to different directions.Ryan had been really nice this morning. I'm so glad he is here with me and he understands me. I still had a lot of questions swirling around in my head, like if Ryan was gay, I mean, it didn't matter anymore since we are together now and I am pretty sure I am bi.

Wait, did I just say "we're together?"

I guess since we love each other and we even share the same bed, we're like in  a relationship. Not that Ryan mentioned anything...ugh, am I overanalysing things again? Marzia used to tell me that I overanalysed everything. I sighed. I ordered the mirror and walked to the cash register. A girl was standing in front of me.

"It's 20 euros ma'am" the cashier said. The girl handed the money to the woman. "Thank you" she said.


No way.

No fucking way.

I knew that voice. And those long brown hair.


Please don't let her see me, please don't let her see me.

"Oh my God, Felix!" 


"Oh h-hi Marzia" I stuttered.

"How are you?" she asked with a wide smile, like she cared if I was good or not.

"G-Good and you?" I asked, pretending to care.

"I'm good" she smiled. I handed the money and took the mirror."Why are you buying a mirror?" Marzia asked.

"Oh uh, I... just wanted to make some changes, you know" I mumbled. Marzia laughed loudly. "I didn't know you care about this stuff Felix"

"I..." I tried to say something but a man's voice interrupted me.

"Marzia babe, you ready?" A tall guy with short brown hair ,sunglasses and expensive clothes came towards us.

"Oh hey honey, this is Felix, my ex. I met him at the shop" she hugged his waist.

"Hi" I said and pulled out my hand to shake his.He just pulled his iPhone 5 out and chuckled "Oh, the YouTuber"

"Yeah ..." I said quietly. This was getting awkward.

"Felix! Where have you been?" Ryan ran towards me and grabbed my arm.

" coming" I said

Ryan looked at Marzia and her new boyfriend with eyes wide open of surprise. Marzia was staring with a brow raised at his clothes. Oh man, she should have notice these are my clothes.

"Sorry if I interrupted something" Ryan mumbledand gave an apologetic smile.

"No, it's okay, we were leaving anyways" Marzia said and held her boyfirend's hand "See you around Felix"

"Bye ..." I said quietly as I watched them leaving.

"New boyfriend?" Ryan asked

I nodded my head slowly.

"That must sucked. If you wanna leave, it's fine. We can go home and play video games" Ryan said. Oh, Ryan is so cute. Always, always thinking of me. I ruffled his hair.

"It's alright Ryan. Let's go have some fun" I grinned. A big grin appeared on Ryan's face too and his green eyes were sparkling. We headed to the video games store. We searched for random video games, old and new, talking about what we would like to play. I was feeling very happy. Would I be doing this with Marzia?

Of course not.

Ugh, I need to stop comparing Ryan to Marzia.

"Felix I'm going to buy some ice cream. What flavour would you like?" Ryan  asked after some hour of going around the mall.

"Hmm ... I don't know ... maybe, strawberry? " I laughed.

"Hey! That's mine! Strawberry is mine, mine, mine!" he laughed and punched my shoulder

"Okay, okay fine, I'll get a lemon one" I said

"K, meet you in a few" Ryan smiled and ran to the ice cream store. I sat on a white bench while waiting for him. I swear, this kid is obsessed with ice cream.

Less than ten minutes had passed when I heard a girl's voice above my head. I looked up and saw a blond girl with a short red skirt and a pink top smiling at me. I was surprised, to say the least, because I had never seen her before but I smiled back. I thought that she maybe was a Bro; even though I don't think girl Bros look like this, don't get me wrong.

"Hi, my name's Flor"she introduced herself.

"Felix" I shooked her hand.

"Oh such a cool name! So ... Felix ... are you all alone here?" she asked with her eyes locked on mine.

"Um, err, I .." I stuttered. Was she hitting on me?

"Look, we just met, but I think you're really hot, so um can I have your number?" she said in a "cute" baby voice.

"Um, look, um, Flor ... " I started " You are really nice but I um ..."

"Oh you really think so? You're so cute!" she giggled interrupting me and leaned closer to me.

Suddenly, I felt two arms wrapped around my waist." Sorry blondie. He's mine" said Ryan's soft voice to the surprised girl. He kissed my cheek and smiled at her, like  a winner.

"What the f-" she mumbled.

Everybody was looking at us, some people shocked, some angry, some panicked or even dusgusted. Ryan's hand slipped to grab mine and I held him tight.

"Let's go Ryan" I said, trying to ignore the people around us who were laughing, whispering and showed us with their fingers. He sighed "Let's go"

We didn't stop holding hands until we entered the car. And when we got in, I leaned and kissed Ryan with passion.

Yes, I'm pretty sure this is love.

A/N Hey everybody :D I wanna thank you for reading, commenting and voting it means sooo much to me :) I can't believe this is getting so many views (I mean it's not like millions, but still it's a LOT) when I started writing this, I thought that it would barely get 15 or 20 reads but this BIG ♥ *hugs everyone*

Right now it's 23:23 and I have finally finished this! Okay I know it's not a big chappie BUT STILL :D :D :D :D :D Anyways, 'till the next chapter ....



and always ...

R E A D ON ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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