Zayn - Sure thing, man. We'll be over in 20 minutes.

Harry - Okay, cool.

I turned off my phone, and threw it on the table. I swept the floor, cleaned the tables, and vacuumed the floor, making the place clean for when they come. I don't have a maid, because I don't think its necessary for someone else to have to clean up your mess.

It was about a half hour after I had texted Zayn, when I heard a knock on my door. I eagerly ran to the door, pulling it open, and hugging Zayn and Gigi.

"Hey man. How you doing? Brought some vodka."

"Hey, Zayn. Im doing good. Thanks, I have beer."

"Hello, love! Can we play truth or dare, it'll be fun I think. Oh, and I brought tequila, but thats for me, unless you want some. Z isn't a fan of it."

"Thats because its a girl drink, Gigi."

"No it isn't, Zayn. Shut up."

I chuckled as I watched them fond over each other. They were so cute together, like relationship goals much?

"Yeah sure, we can play. Come on, go sit on the couch in the living room, I'll get the drinks."

"Don't drug em!" Zayn yelled before walking away. Man, he annoys me sometimes.

I just got myself some water, figuring I should stay sober, pouring each of them some alcohol, and making my way to the family room.

"Thanks, Harry!" They said in unison as I set both the drinks down on the table, making sure there was a coaster under them.

"Okay, shall we start?"

It was now my turn to ask someone, as Gigi had just asked me, me choosing dare, and her daring me to go to my neighbours in just my boxers, asking if they had a condom I could have, which I did. I think my neighbours hate me now.

"Okay, Harry, your turn!"

"Okay, um Zayn, truth or dare?"

"Dare, only babies pick truth."

I rolled my eyes, but immediately thought of a dare, a smirk forming on my face instantly.

"I dare you to ask Gigi what you've wanted to for weeks."

Gigi looked at him with a confused look on his face, and Zayn just sighed, annoyed with me.

"Really, Harry. You're gonna make me? Do I absolutely have too?"

"Of course you do Zayn. Its about time, I think I know what the answer will be."

"Okay. Gigi, w-will y-you b-b-be my g-g-girlf-friend?"

She burst out laughing, and Zayn looked like he was about to cry.

"Were you really this nervous to ask me that?"

"Well yeah, I mean I really like you, and I know we have been seeing each other for a while now, but I didn't want you to say no and-"

He was cut off suddenly. I looked over, and saw him and Gigi making out. They kissed for a good few minutes before I cleared my throat and fake gagged.

They chuckled, and Gigi said "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Zayn!" Before kissing him once more.

"Okay well Zayn, its your turn, ask away. Last round."

"Okay, Harry, truth or dare?"


"Um, well okay, have you apologized to your boy yet?"

"His boy?"

"Yes Gigi, his boy."

I instantly started blushing.  "Um, no, not yet."

"Well then I dare you to go apologize to him. Get your ass moving boy!"

"Easy one!"

I grabbed my phone, turning it on, and tapping Instagram. I logged out of my personal and went on my fan account.

I went into DM, but our DM was gone. I searched for his account, but it wasn't there. I finally tagged him in something, and clicked his username, and realization hit me.

"Harry, whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Zayn asked me.

I just barely got the words out.

"Louis, h-he blocked me."
Wey hey! Its me Halley! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im not making the drama go away right away cause they still aren't meeting for a while, and a bunch of filler chapters is just boring af. Sorry for bringing Gigi in, but it was her or Perrie, and Zerrie is dead so. Anyways, are you guys excited for Christmas? I AM! I only really asked for a Segway, or I told my mom thats what I especially wanted, so Im really excited.

I might finish this book all on my own. I haven't decided for sure yet, but I originally wanted to write this on my own, so I was thinking on writing it on my own, but Im not 100 percent sure yet. What are your thoughts on that?

Have a good day/night babes!


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