Thank You.

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Yn and I have been on the road for about forty five minutes now, we should arrive in South Central in approximately fifteen minutes. But there was an awkward silence between the both of us. The tension was coming from Yn's side of the vehicle, it felt like she was.....scared. But all I do know is that, it is definitely creeping me the fuck out. 

"Yn?" I said cautiously, as she slowly turned her head to acknowledge my calling."

"Yes?" She answered, her eyes coated in depression and disappointment.

"What made you move to Los Angeles? " I asked, trying to start a basic conversation. I wanted this get her mind off of whatever it was, that made her sad.

At least try to.

"It's a loooong story Chres." She laughed slightly, plastering a playful smile upon her face.

Get her to smile...Check.

"Well, I have tiiiiiime Yn." I chuckled, as I drug out my I's the same way she did.

"Well, it all started with my ex." She sighed, as she placed her head against the window, bracing herself for any emotions to overtake her. .

"I don't want to be nosey, but do you mind telling me what happened?" I questioned her, hoping she wouldn't mind telling me the story, so I could comfort her.

" He hurt me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I just had to leave." She cried, as the salty tears streamed down her face and onto her top lip. 

Damn, I never knew she was hurt like that. But, why her?

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't understand though. " I admitted, as I shook my head in disbelief.

She gave me a stern and confused look, as to why I said what I just said.

"You don't understand what? " She asked, still giving me the same look.

"How could anyone want to hurt you?" I asked, as I bear right to exit the highway.

"Well, he just took advantage of me....He took everything." She whined, as she wiped her tears with the tissues that she pulled out of her purse.

"Like what?" I asked, as I decreased the speed of my car realizing I was at a stoplight.

"My virginity, he made me get an...." She paused, then I realized she began to sob and cry all over again.

I decided to stop the car at a near by gas station to comfort her. This girl is seriously doing a number on my comforting skills.

"Look, please stop crying. He isn'tworth your tears, you should forgive and forget. That's the only way to move on in life, not crying." I said soothingly, as I rubbed my hand in a circular motion on her back.

"I just love him...He's too stupid to realize it, when it's sitting right infront of his face. " She cried, as she wiped her eyes and face for the second time today.

I placed my finger underneath her chin and rause her head slowly. Looking deep into her eyes, I seen it all. Pain, frustration, exhaustion and even...Lust?

"He doesn't deserve you." I assured her, placing a small amount of hair behind her ear.

"How do you know?" She sniffled, wiping her tears away.

"I was in the same position you were in. " I said, sighing deeply. Realizing my own state of distress.

"Tell me." She demanded, as she sat up in her seat, waiting for me to tell her my story.

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