she was drunk. really drunk. but then, she knew that. she wanted to ask him if he was drunk; or, indeed, if he was, in fact, okay. roma also wanted to ask him where he'd come from. or why it had seemed too bright once he'd arrived: why the lights had been flashing on and off, as if to match the pulsations of her pulse. 

the premises in which they were hurriedly walking reminded her what was only a day ago but what seemed like years ago. she had been in control; the one who'd been asking whether he was alright, even though she knew that he hadn't been. roma remembered telling herself to press the matter, to ask him what he had been doing that had caused him to pass out in a darkened alleyway. somehow, his drunken excuse hadn't seemed plausible, and the shifting nature of his vision had proved her point. when it had come to it, though, his mesmerising eyes had acted as a difficult distraction, and his soft smirk had rendered her thoughtless.

"are you sure he didn't hurt you?" baekhyun question her, nudging her back to reality. her small and slender hands were clinging onto the harsh leather of his jacket, him still allowing her to rest her weight onto his body.

his care of the situation would've startled her. it would have made the thump of her heart echo within her chest, it would have produced the notorious red of her cheeks that flushed to her face whenever someone--anyone--spoke to her. a nervous habit.

"no. he didn't."

at this current moment, she merely lifted her lips at the corners and squeezed his arm, mumbling a quiet yes, i'm fine, to which he nodded slightly but disapprovingly, picking up the pace of his long strides. as before, feet echoing against the pavement.

they had arrived. where, she didn't know. what looked like a run-down corner shop with a flashing neon sign and a dark pretence came into view. the broken lights reminded her of the club. and, before she knew it, baekhyun had pushed open the creaking door, the two of them entering the cramped room.

dim lighting accompanied numerous tables and chairs; what appeared to be a closed bar or restaurant of some sort. it was dark, but welcoming, somehow, the lamps hanging on the walls providing cosy, shadowed areas for which to sit. no people were about. roma didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing. baekhyun still held onto her firmly.

roma was grateful.

a bar was situated in the side corner of the wide room, a bright pink strip of light aligning the counter, creating interesting patterns against the glasses and bottles hanging on the shelves: fluorescent pinks and fiery oranges and electric blues. the colours made her dizzy, but somehow provided a comforting dash of light within the noir confinements of the room.

she thought, faintly, perhaps, she could hear noises flitting in and out of the background. roma couldn't tell, because her head was spinning and her hearing was fading. perhaps they were coming from a room elsewhere.

"where are we?"

she had to say something, after all. she was supposed to be scared. baekhyun's hand was warm and calloused and sweaty but she clung onto him, nails digging into his skin. wanting to feel the comforting material of his worn-out leather jacket.

"my friend's place. it's closer," he replied.

his voice was so deep, so breathy, so captivating.

closer to where, she didn't know. she wanted to ask. didn't. roma had no idea what part of town they were in. her mind was beginning to cloud over, the weight of her eyelids resting heavily upon her face, eyelashes fluttering in attempt to keep herself awake, at least.

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