Beautiful scars on Critical Veins

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Darkness surrounded me,comforting and peaceful. Am I dead? Because this is a pretty shitty afterlife, I mean come on where's all the fun stuff and the parties or what not?. My head started to pound and I felt warm, too warm,like I was in a pile of blankets. Whatever I was lying on however, was not enjoyable, is it a bed? Or a pile of rocks?

I reluctantly awoke to the sound of multiple voices and the stench of antiseptic and other drugs. I opened my eyes to just that. My eyes went wide as I watched the scene before me.
Max was in Leo's face about to hit him whilst Leo just stood there looking defeated. Three doctors were in the room, two of which were trying to break the guys apart whilst the third was looking over the machines. Thankfully Brittany was not in sight.

"Hey" I croaked with my throat feeling like it was on fire, trying to grab their attention. Max shoved the doctors away and knelt beside the bed looking me in the eye. For once I was glad that my Brothers face was the first
thing I saw when I opened my eyes.

"What the heck happened?" I questioned ignoring the burning feeling in my throat.
"These guys attacked you and then this guy found you" My lovely brother said side eying my saviour. Leo came closer to me and gave me a soft smile, before casting a wary glance at my brother who was doing his famous impression of a growling dog. The wannabe Pitbull act was stopped once he saw the look on my face, and he sighed as he walked towards the door, giving Leo and I a moment alone to talk in private.

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